Western Oregon University students receive award from the American Red Cross for lifesaving actions

Posted by Brittany Kima

503-838-8163 | kimab@wou.edu

December 10, 2024

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 LTR: Zachary Hammerle, Sophia Espinoza, Mimi Swetish, and Robert Shidek.

MONMOUTH, Ore. – Western Oregon University students Robert Shidek, Mimi Swetish, and Sophia Espinoza, along with Western’s Assistant Director of Campus Recreation Zachary Hammerle, were at Smith Rock State Park back in May 2023 when an 11-year-old boy suffered a 40-foot fall. 

The group was at Smith Rock State Park to obtain their sports climbing instructor certification with the Professional Climbing Instructors Association, when they heard a scream. Espinoza and Swetish raced over toward the scream and observed a boy who had just fallen 40 feet, and quickly started to help. Shidek and Hammerle joined shortly after to assist. These individuals were crucial in providing immediate care to the injured boy until emergency services arrived.

Swetish reflected on that day, “We immediately grabbed the medical bag and started checking pulses. We knew this probably wasn’t going to be in our direct scope to handle but we knew we could at least know where he was at so we could report to emergency services immediately.”  

“At the moment it happened, I didn’t know what to think, “shared  Espinoza. “I had never witnessed a severe accident like that. I felt a bit anxious and curious when we first heard the scream. It is not a noise you want to hear when climbing.” 

This month the American Red Cross awarded Shidek, Swetish, and  Espinoza their Lifesaving Award, which is presented to individuals who demonstrate exceptional skill and courage in performing lifesaving care in emergencies. 

“These students followed their training and preparedness through their work with Campus Recreation and successfully contributed to this boy’s survival, “ shared Hammerle. “I’m confident they would have done the same things in any situation due to the training and education they have gained from WOU’s Campus Recreation.”  


About Western Oregon University

Western Oregon University, established in Monmouth in 1856, proudly stands as Oregon’s oldest public university. Hosting around 4,000 students, Western embodies a mid-sized, NCAA Division II institution, with approximately 80% of its students hailing from within the state. Notably, its diverse student body comprises individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, veterans, and non-traditional learners. Western stands as the preferred campus in Oregon for those pursuing an enriching education within a nurturing, student-focused environment, characterized by faculty-led instruction. Where YOU belong.