Contact Us
Abby’s House
Abby’s House can be found in the basement of the WUC in room 106. We’re next to the Stonewall Center, at the bottom of the stairs on Church Street.
In Abby’s House in you can find the Director, the Basic Needs Coordinator, the Confidential Advocate, and the Peer Educators. We are typically open from 9-5 Monday through Friday, but sometimes may be closed due to lack of staffing, we might be in a meeting, or we could be out of the office.
Food Pantry and Stitch Closet
The Food Pantry and Stitch Closet can be found in the Welcome Center in room 165. The easiest way to get to our office is through the right side of the courtyard behind the building, and we’re located right next to the Mail Room and Copy Center.
You can find our Food Pantry and Stitch Closet Coordinators over here, as well as the Basic Needs Coordinator on occasion. We change our hours each quarter based on volunteer availability. For the most up to date schedule, visit our website or Instagram!

Kristen Perry
Why should you contact Kristen?
- You would like to talk to someone about sexual assault and/or violence.
- Something was said or done to make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
- You would like to collaborate with Abby’s House on an event.
- You want to schedule a training.
- You’re interested in volunteering or working at Abby’s House.
503-838-9657 | WUC 106C

Maria Barrera
Basic Needs Coordinator
Why should you contact Maria?
- You would like to talk to someone about food, clothing, transportation, hygiene, rental assistance, school supplies, and other resources.
- You have questions about donating.
- You want to collaborate with the Stitch Closet or Food Pantry on an event.
- You want to volunteer or work at the Food Pantry or Stitch Closet.
503-838-9430 | WUC 106A

Blanca De La Rosa-Hernandez
Confidential Advocate
Why should you contact the Confidential Advocate?
- You would like to talk to someone about sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, or harassment.
- Something was said or done to make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
- You want to learn more about your reporting options and/or would like support through the reporting process.
- You want to learn more about options and resources that relate to interpersonal violence.
503-838-8219 | WUC 106

Abby’s House
Why should you contact Abby’s House?
- You would like to schedule an appointment with professional staff, but aren’t sure which one.
- You would like to collaborate with Abby’s House on an event.
- You want to schedule a training.
- You’re interested in volunteering or working at Abby’s House.
503-838-8219 | WUC 106

Food Pantry
Why should you contact the Food Pantry?
- You would like to know the hours of operation.
- You have questions about donation guidelines and how to donate.
- You want to collaborate on an event.
- You want to volunteer or work at the Food Pantry.
503-838-8219 | WEL 165

Stitch Closet
Why should you contact the Stitch Closet?
- You would like to know the hours of operation.
- You have questions about donation guidelines and how to donate.
- You want to collaborate on an event.
- You want to volunteer or work at the Stitch Closet.
503-838-8219 | WEL 165