Ethics and Social Justice Minor – Academics

Ethics and Social Justice Minor

Combining core classes in applied ethics and political philosophy with social science electives, this minor develops a deeper understanding of contemporary inequity and injustice. Learn to become an agent of social change by crafting powerful arguments. Classes are appropriate for students interested in law, criminal justice, social activism, public health, public education or other social services.

credits required for the Ethics and Social Justice minor


of master's degree can be completed as an undergrad at WOU


of students who apply to WOU are selected for admission

student clubs and organizations are waiting to welcome you in

Highlights of the program

Engage in discussion of real significant, contemporary issues through classes like Civil Disobedience, and Peacebuilding and Public Policy. Study social issues and social movements through multiple ethnic and racial identities. Deepen your understanding of gender, LGBTQ+ studies, and human rights.

Example Courses



Professor, Philosophy/Religious Studies


NTT Assistant Professor, Philosophy/Religious Studies

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QUESTIONS - Ethics and Social Justice Minor

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Phone: 503-838-8762
