
National Scholarship

  • For Oregon high school grads, community college grads, and current college students
  • A scholarship for tuition and fees, that covers up to $33,000 for a bachelor’s degree!
  • Have DACA, TPS status, OR are undocumented who came to the country before November 1st, 2016 and otherwise meet the DACA eligibility criteria

Scholarships application open winter 2025

WOU students walking on campus


You may be eligible to apply if you intend to enroll at WOU; and are high school, GED, or community college graduate who have DACA, TPS or came to the country before November 1, 2016 and otherwise meet the DACA eligibility criteria.

Additional criteria can be found on TheDream.US website.


The Dream US is a scholarship that awards DREAMers up to $33,000 for a bachelors degree, a through a partnership between TheDream.US and WOU.

Student Statements

“In the fall of 2016, I attended orientation for a university back home. I was ecstatic with the thought of furthering my education. I left the campus with tears streaming down my face and my world shattered as I realized being undocumented came with more disadvantages than I knew, especially when it came to college. Fast forward to fall of 2018, I was attending orientation for Western Oregon University with a full scholarship. Something I believed to be unattainable and out of reach was suddenly my reality. TheDream.Us enabled me to receive a college education and enjoy every aspect of it with the support that I needed. I have had the opportunity to meet friends, mentors, and peers that have contributed to my college experience and future. I cannot express my gratitude enough for this organization. Thank you for believing in me and investing in my future; my whole life has been completely changed because of the sponsors and affiliates of TheDream.US. Looking back, I am grateful and I understand why I never was able to attend college back home, something larger was waiting for me. Thank you, TheDream.US and Western Oregon University for showing me que si se puede!”

America ’22

Student Statements

“When I was still in high school, I didn’t quite understand all the struggles that being undocumented came with. Thankfully I made the cutoff to apply for DACA, which allowed me to get a work authorization permit and a Social Security card. In that sense, I was protected and had peace of mind that chasing a higher education was possible. It wasn’t until I started looking at scholarships that reality hit me. The majority of big scholarships I looked at either required U.S citizenship or career interests that did not apply to me. At that moment I felt like the door of opportunity that was just opened for me was beginning to close right in my face. Having been the first in my family to make it that far was stressful and frustrating because I felt like I was doing this on my own. I had applied and received some of my town’s local scholarships, but they weren’t enough to cover the cost after my first year. A couple of my guidance counselors helped me find out about TheDream.US national scholarship program. I was scared to apply because I knew that there were many other students in my position also going after their dreams of going to college. But in the back of my mind, I knew that if I didn’t apply, I could have missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime. I am now a senior at Western Oregon University about to graduate with my bachelor’s degree in exercise science and chemistry because of TheDream.US.

Having been selected as a recipient for this scholarship relieved a lot of the stress that came with paying for college because it accompanies you through all four years of your undergraduate education. I was able to redirect my time and energy into thriving academically and seeking out new educational opportunities through volunteer work on campus. For me, this scholarship made it possible for me to chase my dreams and go further than what my parents were able to accomplish. Had I not been able to afford the cost of college after my first year, I would have probably not gone back, but it is opportunities such as TheDream.US that make it possible for students like me to go beyond the confines of our status.”


Student Statements

“It has been a difficult journey to get to college. I graduated in 2008 with the dreams of going to college right after. I did all the right things to be accepted into a college only to realize my dreams were further than expected. My hands eventually got tired from stretching, waving, and finding that dream that floated somewhere in the sky. The adults around me gave up on me because there were no funds or help for undocumented students like me. So I gave up on my dreams and proceeded with life. As my eyes wandered through life, my heart kept reminding me to look up. Every time I looked up, my dreams and aspirations were nowhere to be seen; they were still too far away to catch them. One day, I decided to give one last stretch, one last wave, and one last reach for the sky. I closed my eyes as I lifted my arms and out of nowhere someone or something grabbed my arms. The Dream.US and Western Oregon University picked me up and flew me high and brought me closer to my dream. Western Oregon University accepted me with open arms and no judgment. I was afraid of rejection and afraid of failing again. WOU has shown me unconditional care and patience through the professors and has given me a voice to help others. When I felt confused, WOU’s advisers helped me clarify my questions. When I needed childcare for my toddler, WOU stepped up and helped me by educating my children, too. Today, my heart reminds me to look, only this time I am reminded to look down because my dream is in my hands and my children are looking up to me. Thank you Western Oregon University and TheDream.US for reaching out and helping me and for giving me the wings to help reach for others just like you reached for me.”


Student Statements

“The Dream.US scholarship has given me all the tools I need to succeed during my time at Western and even as I look towards my life after graduation. This opportunity has made me the person I am today and I will forever be grateful for the life experiences I have gained.”


Are you eligible for DACA or want help renewing?

Check out our local resources/centers that can help you:

Oregon Immigration Resources

Mano a Mano in Salem, OR
2921 Saddle Club St SE, #1009,
Salem, OR 97317

Centro de Servicios para Campesinos
300 Young St.
Woodburn, OR 97071
(503) 902-0367


Students and their families are encouraged to contact any of the following WOU staff members for more information:

Admissions Liaison:
Antonio Castellanos
Bilingual Financial Aid Navigator
Book an appointment now

Scholar Advisor:
Adrian Trujillo
Bilingual Academic Success Advisor

Financial Aid Liaison:
Itsel Venegas-Trujillo
Bilingual Scholarship/Financial Aid Counselor


Mental Health Liaison:
Scott Perfect
Director of Counseling Services

Career Services Liaison:
Adry Clark
Director of Service Learning and Career Development