Degree Completion | Student Success and Advising Office

Degree Completion at WOU 

Pathway for Returning Students!


Hello! If you’ve taken time off from school and are interested in returning to WOU, please contact our office to begin charting your path to graduation! Sometimes you’re closer to graduation than you think!

Phone: (503) 838-8428 | E-mail:

If 1 year has passed since you were last enrolled, turn in a Re-Enrollment Form by emailing it to the Registrar’s Office at

In some cases, Degree Completion students benefit from switching to our Interdisciplinary Studies Major.

Overcoming Barriers to Graduation

Financial Barriers

If you are struggling to return to WOU for financial reasons, please let your Degree Completion Advisor know. We can alert you of any financial assistance opportunities that you could apply for, and any resources that might help you with the financial aspects of finishing your degree! We also recommend that Degree Completion students get in touch with WOU’s Financial Aid Office.

Returning to School While Employed

A number of courses are currently offered online, some are even offered asynchronously (which means that there is no scheduled meeting time for those classes). Online classes can be a great option for students working full time. Talk to a Degree Completion Advisor to find out which online classes are right for you.

Academic Barriers

Struggling with that last math or writing class? Check out the latest tutoring services that WOU has to offer: If you left WOU due to Academic Warning, Probation, or Suspension (after taking mandatory time off) speak to a Degree Completion Advisor to learn how you can get back on track for graduation.

Uncertainty After Graduation

Not sure what your career goals are? WOU’s  Center for Professional Pathways is here to help! Schedule an appointment with them to uncover your ideal career path or explore your next career move

Student Testimonials

I am a non-traditional student, and also suffer from a mental health disability, so school was very difficult for me and I thought I had exhausted my options for finishing my degree until the Completion Team contacted me. I’m very thankful that now I can call myself a graduate! Everything was handled very smoothly by Dr. Newton and I felt empowered to finally finish. This is a great program, don’t hesitate to take part!”

Paul Baxter

Class of 2023

“In 2014 I was a student athlete with 3 classes left in order to finish my degree; that same year I got a job with intention to finish my degree. Eventually my new job took precedence over my education. As time went on, I started at a new logistic company and have been climbing the corporate ladder even since. The weight of finishing my degree lingered and when Maggie called me and asked me if I wanted to finish we sat down together to go over what I needed to finish she said something that stuck with me; “why let all this hard work go to waste.” She was referring to my already finished classes because I had been almost done with my degree for 8 years. The thing was no one ever put it to me quite that way. Going back to school filled me with a lot of fear. I recently became a single mom and I work 50 hours a week on swing shift. It took a lot for me to come back and finish my degree because it meant time away from my child, but in the end with the help of my family and Maggie’s words, I was able to complete my classes with A’s and FINALLY become a WOU college graduate.”

Lara Lucero

Class of 2023

“When I started the trek to reach my undergraduate degree in 2011, I had freshly turned 18, and though I was able to accomplish so much during my Freshman year, my Sophomore year brought sudden trauma and tragedy; the consequences, therefore, lead me to reconfigure to values, my priorities, and I ended up transferring to PSU. Since 2013, I tried my hardest to continue my education, with as much grit as I could muster. But after struggling with my mental health, and after I had finally managed to make my way back to WOU in 2017, I walked away from campus, believing that there was no possibility that I could finish my degree, with my low GPA.


There came a point, in 2020, when I got in contact with a dear professor of mine, one whose tutelage I had received during my shining freshman year and he suggested that I make an appointment with an advisor to discuss my options; to which, I finally agreed. There is no way that I can express the tide of emotion that came over me, when my degree completion advisor explained that I could graduate after I had completed 9 more credits. Needless to say, I re-applied myself, and went through all of the proper steps to be enrolled again for the final time, Winter 2022.

The morning of March 13 th 2022, I woke my partner up to witness the submission of my final assignment; the last one I would ever submit as an undergraduate. After a decade of starting the path to reaching my Bachelor’s degree, I completed my term with flying colors and joyous tears streaming down my face.

Now, I can say I finally did it.
I am a first generation college graduate.
I am a success story.”

Avery DeCloedt

Class of 2022

“As a non-traditional student, I had a difficult time completing my degree due to raising children. I unfortunately needed to take a break from attending classes and that break ended up being 10+ years. After many years, I struggled with the confidence to return to school and finish my degree. Once the Degree Completion team reached out to me and explained some options for me to return and complete my degree, I was more motivated than ever to finish this goal that I’ve had for a long time. Without the Degree Completion team, I would not have had the confidence and motivation to return to complete my degree. This has been a great experience for me and I am thankful that I can now tell my children I have officially graduated from WOU. “

Sean Lake

Class of 2021

“Everyone involved in assisting me to finish my degree was knowledgeable, quick to respond when I had questions and really worked in unison very well. It was a very smooth and efficient process and I can’t thank you enough for reaching out to me.”


Class of 2021