Exploratory Advising | Student Success and Advising Office

Exploratory Studies

About the Exploratory Pathway

Western Oregon University and Student Success and Advising (SSA) welcome students who have not decided on a major or minor. In fact, we encourage you to explore all that our university has to offer. There are numerous campus resources ready to support you as you navigate your educational, career, and personal journey.

The Exploratory Pathway is divided into four stages: Self Exploration, Major Exploration, Career Exploration, and Decision Making. We encourage you to invest time and effort in exploring your interests, values, skills, and aspirations, and to align them with your educational and occupational goals. Ultimately, the choice of major and career path is yours to make! Advisors in SSA are here to guide and support students along their pathway to selecting a major.

Advisors in Student Success and Advising will work with you to develop an Exploration Plan to help make the exploration process enjoyable and effective. We encourage you to meet with your advisor for support throughout the exploration process

Self Exploration

To better identify and work through the major and career exploration process you need to first identify your skills, interests, and values. Self exploration is the first step towards making a well-informed decision on a major that best suits your values, skills, and preferences.

Major Exploration

Choosing a major can involve planning, researching, and weighing your options. The first step in exploring majors is to check out what WOU has to offer. The Academic Catalog can provide students with information about the majors and minors offered at WOU.

Career Exploration

When exploring careers, devote some time to research your options thoroughly. Evaluate the aspects of the career you want to have and if it will meet your values and preferences. Utilize the resources available to you on WOU’s campus such as the Center for Professional Pathways or Student Success and Advising.


Decision Making

Choosing a major requires making a well-informed and thought out descison. Information gathered from Self Exploration, Major Exploration, and Career Exploration can be valuable when it comes to deciding on  a major.  When the time comes, the descision is yours to make!