Our Anthropology Major and Minor programs have been discontinued. If you have questions about how this may affect your program of study, feel free to contact Dr. Isidore Lobnibe lobnibei@wou.edu
Anthropology is the study of humankind from our earliest beginnings in the remote past to the interdependent cultures of today’s complex and dynamic world. It integrates scientific and humanistic perspectives to describe and analyze human behavior and biocultural diversity. In the introduction to Coming of Age in Samoa, Margaret Mead wrote, “… as the traveler who has been once from home is wiser than he who has never left his own door step, so a knowledge of one other culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more lovingly, our own” (1928)
In Anthropology classes, we challenge our students to journey through time and across cultures, to recognize and question their own assumptions, and to develop the kind of critical analytical skills that will serve them effectively throughout their lives. In an era that continues to redefine our understanding of the dynamics of globalization, anthropology prepares students to promote intercultural understanding and respect among individuals, communities and nations.
Students are encouraged to use anthropology to solve human problems at home and abroad, to make public policy more responsive to all members of society, and to achieve a resilient, sustainable adaptation in local and global environments.
Contact Information
For more information contact: Dr. Isidore Lobnibe
Bell 210 B Western Oregon University Monmouth, OR 97361
503-838-8306 lobnibei@wou.edu
The Social Science Division Office
Mary Pettenger, Division Chair
Phone: 503-838-8301 Email: pettengm@wou.edu
Sharyne Ryals, Admin. Program Assistant
Phone: 503-838-8288 Email: ryalss@wou.edu