Biology Major Requirements and Emphasis Options

Biology major (83-123 credits)
Required biology core courses (63-66)
- BI 211, 212, 213 Principles of Biology (12)
- CH 221, 222, 223 General Chemistry (15)
- BI 314 Introductory Genetics (4)
- BI 315 Cell Biology (4)
- BI 316 Evolution (4)
- BI 331 General Microbiology (4)
- BI 343 Analysis of Biological Data (4)
- BI 357 General Ecology (4)
Animal Biology (choose one): (4-5)
- BI 317 Vertebrate Natural History (4)
- BI 324 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (5)
- BI 360 Animal Behavior (4)
- BI 434 Comparative Animal Physiology (4)
- BI 437 Neurobiology (4)
- BI 451 Invertebrate Zoology (5)
- BI 453 Marine Vertebrates (4)
- BI 474 Biology of Insects (5)
Field Biology (choose one): (4-5)
- BI 317 Vertebrate Natural History (4)
- BI 321 Systematic Field Botany (4)
- BI 361 Marine Ecology (5)
- BI 451 Invertebrate Zoology (5)
- BI 454 Plant Ecology (4)
- BI 474 Biology of Insects (5)
Plant Biology (choose one): (4-5)
- BI 321 Systematic Field Botany (4)
- BI 330 Plant Physiology (5)
- BI 340 Plant Nutrition (4)
- BI 371 Structure of Seed Plants (4)
- BI 454 Plant Ecology (4)
All biology majors must complete MTH 112 (or MTH 251 or MTH 252).
Additional MTH courses are required for some emphases.
BI 406 credit may be substituted for one course in the selected emphasis with pre-approval
of the student’s Biology advisor.
If a course is used to fulfill more than one specified requirement within the major, the credits
must be replaced with upper division biology elective credits.
Biology majors must select one of the six emphasis areas:
General Biology
Molecular / Cell
Natural History / Field Biology
Biology program notes:
1. Biology majors, regardless of the emphasis,
are required to maintain a C average in
courses that are used to satisfy biology
degree requirements.
2. Students graduating in the various emphases
of the biology major are required to
take a standardized exit exam in their last