Biology Teacher Education Major

Western Oregon University’s Biology Teacher Education Major takes future educators through an array of biology topics that are tailored to the individual student. Start with the very principles of biology and grow into topics including Neurobiology, Insect Biology, and Environmental Geochemistry.
Biology Teacher Education major (76-80 credits)
BI 211, 212, 213 Principles of Biology (12)
CH 221, 222, 223 General Chemistry (15)
BI 314 Introductory Genetics (4)
BI 315 Cell Biology (4)
BI 316 Evolution (4)
BI 321 Systematic Field Botany (4)
BI 331 General Microbiology (4)
BI 357 General Ecology (4)
BI 419 Biology Teaching Practicum (2)
Choose one:
BI 343 Analysis of Biological Data (4)
MTH 243 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4)
Choose one Inquiry/Organismal course:
BI 360 Animal Behavior (4)
BI 361 Marine Ecology (5)
Choose two Physiology courses (one plant based and one animal based):
Plant Based
BI 330 Plant Physiology (5)
BI 340 Plant Nutrition (4)
BI 371 Structure of Seed Plants (4)
Animal Based
BI 426 Genes and Development (4)
BI 432 Immunology (4)
BI 434 Comparative Animal Physiology (4)
BI 437 Neurobiology (4)
Choose one Organismal course (cannot be the course selected for inquiry/organismal):
BI 317 Vertebrate Natural History (4)
BI 324 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (5)
BI 360 Animal Behavior (4)
BI 361 Marine Ecology (5)
BI 451 Invertebrate Zoology (5)
BI 453 Marine Vertebrates (4)
BI 454 Plant Ecology (5)
BI 461 Conservation Biology (4)
BI 474 Biology of Insects (5)
Choose one Earth and Physical Science course:
CH 310 Environmental Geochemistry (3)
CH 320 Introduction to Forensic Science (3)
CH 361 Energy, Resources and the Environment (3)
CH 371 Environmental Chemistry (3)
ES 331 Introduction to Oceanography (3)
ES 341 Geographic Information Systems I (4)
ES 431 Paleobiology (4)
ES 473 Environmental Geology (4)
PH 201 General Physics (4)
This program does not lead to a biology degree but may lead to an education degree following the completion of the professional education core in the College of Education. Requirements for admission into education programs can be obtained from the College of Education.