Communication Major (60 credits)

The Communication major is among the most flexible degree programs at WOU. We offer courses that prepare students for a range of careers, and we allow students to work with their advisors to select courses that will prepare them for their desired career path. We pride ourselves on individual advising for each student, with faculty advisors who help students identify courses that will set them up for success.
Our major is broken down into three main categories: Foundational Theories, Message Construction, and Message Analysis. Students will take four classes (16 credits) in each area. In addition, students will take 12 credits of electives, which can include any additional classes in these three sections, or any additional COM seminar or internship credits. We encourage students to work with their advisors to determine which classes in each category will work best for their specific goals. The class options in each category are listed below.
Foundational Theories: Select Four Courses
COM 100Z Introduction to Communication*
COM 211 Introduction to Mass Communication*
COM 212 Advertising and Society*
COM 218Z Interpersonal Communication*
COM 232 Music and Message*
COM 260 Sport & Social Movements*
COM 310 Communicating With Data*
COM 321 Influence Through Argumentation
COM 325 Intercultural Communication*
COM 326 Freedom of Speech
COM 327 Communication in the Legal Field
COM 343 Communication in the Information Age
COM 380 Environmental Communication*
COM 405 Human Communication Theory
COM 420 Communication in Organizations
COM 426 Language of the Mass Media
COM 440 Relational Communication
COM 461 Family Communication
Message Construction: Select Four Courses
COM 111Z Principles of Public Speaking*
COM 113 Social Media and Digital Advocacy*
COM 312 Public Relations Communication
COM 313 Creating Student Media
COM 323 Group Discussion and Leadership
COM 324 Business and Professional Communication
COM 340 Conflict Management
COM 370 Communication Ethics
COM 372 Sports Public Relations
COM 400 Communication & Labor
COM 410 Communication and Event Planning
COM 415 Social Media Campaigns
COM 422 Persuasion
COM 436 Gender Theory & Activism
COM 439 Contemporary U.S. Public Address
COM 442 Communication and Social Change
COM 450 Crisis Communication Management
COM 451 Science Communication
COM 455 Creating Documentary and Digital Films
Message Analysis: Select Four Courses
COM 236 Contemporary Issues in Media*
COM 328 Law and Popular Culture
COM 331 Nonverbal Communication
COM 335 Communication and Gender*
COM 342 Media Literacy
COM 351 Foundations of Health Communication*
COM 360 Sports Communication
COM 402 Race and Resistance Movements*
COM 412 Analyzing Popular Culture
COM 416 Communication and Politics
COM 430 Social Media and Culture *
COM 431/531 Nonverbal Deception Detection
COM 435 Rhetoric of the Women’s Movement
COM 444 Global Media
COM 446 Critical Media Analysis
COM 462 The Dark Side of Family Communication
Careers in Communication
COM 109 Career Exploration (2cr)
COM 309 Career Readiness (2cr)
Communication Electives
Choose from any COM courses not used to fulfill another requirement in the major including, but not limited to:
COM 199 Special Studies Credits: 1-16
COM 399 Special Studies Credits: 1-4
COM 406 Special Individual Studies Credits: 1-4
COM 407 Seminar Credits: 1-8
COM 408 Workshop Credits: 1-4
COM 409 Internship Credits: 1-8
Total Credits: 60