Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I report an incident of sexual misconduct?

WOU strives to provide a safe environment in which students and employees can learn, work, and live; an environment free from the detrimental effects of sexual misconduct. If there is a culture of sexual misconduct in our community, then we are not meeting this effort. Reporting incidents helps us improve our environment. 

Why do I have to report an incident of sexual misconduct? 

Most Western Oregon University Employees are Responsible Employees, which means they must report any incident of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment to the office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which includes WOU’s Title IX Coordinator. 

Professional staff in Abby’s House and in the Student Health and Counseling Center are the only employees considered confidential resources and are not required to report. 

Responsible employees should not investigate incidents of sexual misconduct. They should support the survivor and report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator (or a designee). 

How soon do I have to report?

Please report as soon as possible. Responsible employees are expected to report the incident within two business days.

What do I have to report?

If someone, within the WOU community (students and employees) lets you know they have experienced sex and/or gender-based misconduct, you should provide this information to the Title IX Coordinator (or a designee). For your convenience, there is the Sex and Gender-Based Misconduct and Bias Incident Reporting Form that can be completed online.  

When do I let someone know that I am required to report?

If someone begins to tell you about a sexual misconduct incident you should gently interrupt the individual and explain you are a responsible employee and therefore required to report any information they confide in you.  

You may explain something similar to:

“I need to tell you that I am considered a responsible employee. This means that I must inform the university when I learn that an incident has occurred. I don’t want to scare or intimidate you, but your personal safety and overall health is our number one concern. The reason we do this report is to make sure you are able to access any support and resources you may want or need. If you do not want details of what occurred reported or if you are not interested in making a complaint at this time, you have the right to maintain your privacy. I will only report what you confide in me.” 

For students disclosing information, you may take these students in person, connect them with, or at least share with them these two confidential resources: 

For employees disclosing information share EAP benefits website

How should I respond to someone who reports an incident to me?

The most important things to do are to listen, believe what is being shared could have happened. Ask if the individual feels safe, and determine how to help with physical and mental health.  

Tell the individual about the crisis hotlines they can call 24-hours a day:

Sable House | 503-623-4033 or 1-866-305-3030

Center for Hope and Safety | 503-399-7722 or 1-866-399-7722

Encourage the individual to report the incident to one or more of the following options:

  • File a report with the Office of Student Conduct,, 503-838-8930.
  • File a report with Campus Public Safety,, 503-838-8481.
  • If the incident involves WOU faculty or staff, file a complaint with the Office of Human Resources,, 503-838-8490.
  • You can file a report related to sexual misconduct with the office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which includes WOU’s Title IX Coordinator,, 503-838-8002.
  • File a police report with the Monmouth Police Department (503-838-1109) or the Independence Police Department (503-838-1214).  If this is an emergency, call 911.
  • File an Anonymous Report which will generally be used for the purpose of statistical reporting.

All of the above options can be pursued individually or simultaneously. 

How far back can a case be reported?

Sexual assault and sexual harassment incidents can be reported as far back as the survivor OR the alleged offender was a student at WOU at the time of the incident.

Where can I go to for help with reporting and/or receiving resources? 

Campus Public Safety (call or text) 503-838-8481
Abby’s House 503-838-8219
Student Affairs 503-838-8221
Student Conduct 503-838-8311
Student Health and Counseling Center 503-838-8313
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 503.838.8002


If there is a question not included on this list that you have, please email