Degrees & Programs
The WOU Catalog contains entries for each of the following degrees and programs.
Click the links below to explore the Mission statements, Learning Outcomes, and Curriculum for the range of exciting offerings in the English department.
If you entered on an earlier academic year, you can switch to any of the archived catalogs at each link.
English B.A.
Language Arts Teacher Education, B.S.
Computational Linguistics (CLC)
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
see also the TEFL webpage (separate from the Catalog link above)
Professional Writing
see also the Professional Writing Certificate webpage (separate from the Catalog link above)
In the past, when the English Major supported specialty concentrations in either Literature, Linguistics, or Writing, each area had three Learning Outcomes in addition to the three primary outcomes listed above. Though the department no longer offers the specific concentrations, the Learning Outcomes are listed below as a guide to the kinds of learning that students can expect in each discipline of English.
- Develop familiarity with and appreciation for major authors, literary movements and genres and their place in the development of American, British, and other literatures.
- Apply theories and research methods to analyze and interpret literature.
- Analyze how literature relates to literary traditions and genres, culture, society and the individual.
- Analyze issues in language usage, language variation, language acquisition and history of the English language, with special attention to writing, literacy and language arts.
- Explain and analyze structure and function in the English language system.
- Analyze the relationship between language and culture, society and the individual.
- Demonstrate applications of varied writing styles, creative and professional genres and rhetorical strategies and conventions.
- Demonstrate competency with invention, drafting and revision processes as both writer and critic through activities such as workshops, peer reviews and group projects.
- Demonstrate competency in creating text- appropriate sentences as well as in editing for syntactic and stylistic punctuation and conventions.