May 28, 2024



Tuesday, May 28, 2024


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in person in the Columbia Room of the Werner University Center.

Alternative Zoom attendance format is available. 

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for May 14, 2024 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters) 
  • Provost’s Report (PDF) (Jose Coll) 
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate Report (Cheryl Beaver/Tad Shannon)   

Old Business

1. To fill two, 2-yr terms (24-25, 25-26) as at large members on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Executive Committee recommends:

   Dr. Matthew Ciancetta (Natural Science & Mathematics)

   Dr. Mary Pettenger (Social Science)

New Business 

1.  Executive Committee puts forth the following individual(s) for the position of Faculty Senate Secretary:  

                 Dr. Patricia Giménez-Eguíbar (Humanities Division)

 2.  The curriculum development/maintenance working group’s proposed plan for (summer) implementation of a new curricular portal process for oversight of existing courses/programs.  This implementation was initially presented as an open discussion at the May 14, 2024 Faculty Senate meeting. (Judith Sylva, Amanda Smith, Amy Clark, Camila Gabaldón, Leanne Merrill, Thaddeus Shannon, Melanie Landon-Hays, Steve  Scheck)

Informational Presentations 

7.1.  A graphic provided by Amy Clark regarding the new (no D-/F) undergraduate grade submission scheme

7.2.  Academic Excellence Showcase – Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Coffee & Check-in 8:00-9:00 am Willamette Room

Plenary 9:00-10:00 am Willamette Room

Keynote speaker is Cheyanne Heidt, from the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde                                                       

Open Discussion 

1.  Executive Committee members Katherine Schmidt and Leanne Merrill have been unsuccessful in building a slate of candidates for the President and Vice President positions in 24-25.  Discussion and next steps.

Continuing discussion initiated at April 9 Senate meeting:

2. The Executive Committee would like to continue discussion on what is essential for fulfilling degree requirements; specifically, credits vs learning outcomes for major and minor requirements. How firm are minimum credit counts in the major and minor?

3. The Executive Committee would like to continue discussion on how Faculty Senate can be a valuable source of shared governance as we support defining and implementing the new university strategic plan.

  •   Call for future business items
  •   Closing discussion items from the floor


Commencement June 15:


 Supplemental documents

Considerations for Equity for post-traditional students presentation December 12. 2023 

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

May 14, 2024



Tuesday, May 14, 2024


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in person in the Columbia Room of the Werner University Center.

Alternative Zoom attendance format is available. 

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOXC) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for April 23, 2024 (DOXC) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters) 
  • Provost’s Report (PDF) (Jose Coll) The Provost has requested that an update on conditional admit students be given (Leanne Merrill)
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (no report)  (Cheryl Beaver/Tad Shannon)   

Old Business

1. No old business

New Business 

1. Executive Committee puts forth the following slate of candidates for Faculty Senate Executive Committee at-large positions:

Dr. Matthew Ciancetta (Natural Sciences & Mathematics)

Dr. Mary Pettenger (Social Science Division)

Also, see item 2 in the Open Discussion section.

Informational Presentations 

1.  The curriculum development and proposal work group will update senators on recent work and solicit input. This will be done in item 3 of the  Open Discussion section.

2.  Since the last Senate meeting, the university resolved possible issues with HECC criteria for BA/BS degrees, et al.  See Provost Coll’s email notice.

3.  Executive Committee will be releasing the annual faculty service survey. (Stewart Baker)

2. New Senators join current Senators at the 2nd Senate meeting in May  (May 28)

Open Discussion 

1. Executive Committee wishes to bring to Senate’s attention the unique situation re. representation of faculty members in Occupational Therapy on the Senate.  Calculations for distribution of Faculty Senate seats in 2024-2025 (Stewart Baker)

2. Executive Committee members Katherine Schmidt and Leanne Merrill will report in on their experiences in recruiting for building a slate of candidates for executive officers of Faculty Senate for the 2024-25 year.  As of this posting – no faculty members are willing to serve in the President or Vice President roles.  Discussion and next steps.

3. The curriculum work group is still engaged in degree program development and approval policy/procedures work. However; today, the work group wishes to engage the Senate in providing input and endorsement at a future Senate meeting of a new approach to the routine maintenance of existing course and program curricular changes. (Judith Sylva, Amanda Smith, Amy Clark, Camila Gabaldón, Leanne Merrill, Thaddeus Shannon, Melanie Landon-Hays, Stephen Scheck)

Continuing discussion initiated at April 9 Senate meeting:

4. The Executive Committee would like to continue discussion on what is essential for fulfilling degree requirements; specifically, credits vs learning outcomes for major and minor requirements. How firm are minimum credit counts in the major and minor?

5. The Executive Committee would like to continue discussion on how Faculty Senate can be a valuable source of shared governance as we support defining and implementing the new university strategic plan.

  •   Call for future business items
  •   Closing discussion items from the floor


Commencement June 15:


 Supplemental documents

Considerations for Equity for post-traditional students presentation December 12. 2023 

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

April 23, 2024



Tuesday, April 23, 2024


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in person in the Columbia Room of the Werner University Center.

Alternative Zoom attendance format is available. 

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for April 9, 2024 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters) President Peters is unavailable, see the President’s April 17 report to the WOU BOT.
  • Provost’s Report (PDF) (Jose Coll)
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (no report)  (Cheryl Beaver/Tad Shannon)   

Old Business

1. No old business

New Business 

1. No new business submitted

Informational Presentations 

1. Calculations for distribution of Faculty Senate seats in 2024-2025 (Stewart Baker)

 2. New Senators join current Senators at the 2nd Senate meeting in May  (May 28)

Open Discussion 

Continuing discussion initiated at April 9 Senate meeting:

1. The Executive Committee would like to open discussion on what is essential for fulfilling degree requirements; specifically, credits vs learning outcomes for major and minor requirements. How firm are minimum credit counts in the major and minor?

Oregon has OARs on degree requirements. Link to Secretary of State. Static download.

2. The Executive Committee would like to open discussion on how Faculty Senate can be a valuable source of shared governance as we support defining and implementing the new university strategic plan.

  •   Call for future business items
  •   Closing discussion items from the floor


        HSI Summit this FridayInformation.


 Supplemental documents

Considerations for Equity for post-traditional students presentation December 12. 2023 

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

April 9, 2024



Tuesday, April 9, 2024


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in person in the Columbia Room of the Werner University Center.

Alternative Zoom attendance format is available. 

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for March 12, 2024 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters)
  • Provost’s Report* (PDF) (Jose Coll)
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (no report)  (Cheryl Beaver/Tad Shannon)   
  • *Provost Coll has requested that Paige Jackson present an update on the early alert system (slides)

Old Business

1. No old business

New Business 

1. No new business submitted

Informational Presentations 

1. The General Education Committee has approved an AA transfer degree from Chandler-Gilbert CC (AZ) as meeting WOU’s General Education program requirements. (Shaun Huston)

2. An International Education & Services Committee update on Study Abroad programming. (Ya-Fang Cheng)

3. The Executive Committee would like to open discussion on what is essential for fulfilling degree requirements; specifically, credits vs learning outcomes for major and minor requirements. How firm are minimum credit counts in the major and minor?

4. The Executive Committee would like to open discussion about the difficulty we are experiencing in staffing Faculty Senate-related committee assignments or Faculty Senate positions. We will be issuing the annual faculty service survey. How can we deploy ourselves more efficiently to have effective committee functioning without over-taxing the faculty?

5. The Executive Committee would like to open discussion on how Faculty Senate can be a valuable source of shared governance as we support defining and implementing the new university strategic plan.

Open Discussion 

  •   Call for future business items
  •   Closing discussion items from the floor



 Supplemental documents

Considerations for Equity for post-traditional students presentation December 12. 2023 

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

March 12, 2024



Tuesday, March 12, 2024


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in person in the Columbia Room of the Werner University Center.

Alternative Zoom attendance format is available. 

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for February 27, 2024 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters)
  • Provost’s Report (PDF) (Jose Coll) 
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (no report)  (Cheryl Beaver/Tad Shannon)   

Old Business

5.1. 2023/2024-02 P17980  Principal License Certificate (Alicia Wenzel, Education and Leadership: Master of Science in Education)

5.2. 2023/2024-03 P17990 Educational Leadership Certificate (Alicia Wenzel, Education and Leadership: Master of Science in Education)

 5.3. 2023/2024-04 P18186 Neuroscience Minor (Michael Baltzley, Natural Sciences & Mathematics: Biology with Jay Schwartz, Psychology)

New Business 

1. No new business submitted

Informational Presentations 

Open Discussion 

  •   Call for future business items
  •   Closing discussion items from the floor



 Supplemental documents

Considerations for Equity for post-traditional students presentation December 12. 2023 

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

February 27, 2024



Tuesday, February 27, 2024


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in person in the Columbia Room of the Werner University Center.

Alternative Zoom attendance format is available. 

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for February 13, 2024 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters)
  • Provost’s Report (PDF) (Jose Coll) 
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (no report)  (Cheryl Beaver/Tad Shannon)   

Old Business

1. The Executive Committee recommends that Faculty Senate adopt Thursday as the official day for Faculty Senate-related business.  Current Bylaws of the Faculty Senate modified to reflect this change.

New Business 

1. 2023/2024-02 P17980  Principal License Certificate (Alicia Wenzel, Education and Leadership: Master of Science in Education)

2. 2023/2024-03 P17990 Educational Leadership Certificate (Alicia Wenzel, Education and Leadership: Master of Science in Education)

3. 2023/2024-04 P18186 Neuroscience Minor (Michael Baltzley, Natural Sciences & Mathematics: Biology with Jay Schwartz, Psychology)

Informational Presentations 

1. Update on the current national problem with the FAFSA and what it means to WOU students. (Kella Helyer, Director of Financial Aid)

2. Departmental name change: Department of Communication Studies to Department of Communication P17925 

Open Discussion 

  •   Call for future business items
  •   Closing discussion items from the floor


Call for faculty to fill positions on the:

1. International Education Committee

2. University Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee

3. Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences

4. University Budget Advisory Committee

      If interested, email Steve Scheck 

 Supplemental documents

Considerations for Equity for post-traditional students presentation December 12. 2023 

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

February 13, 2024



Tuesday, February 13, 2024


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

Due to the simultaneous meeting of the WOU Board of Trustees, this meeting will be held in Zoom-only format.

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for January 23, 2024 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (no report) (Jesse Peters)
  • Provost’s Report (no report) (Jose Coll) 
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (oral report)  (Cheryl Beaver/Tad Shannon)   

Old Business

Faculty Emerit Policy.  

Since the January 23, 2024 meeting with in-Senate edits (see draft), the Executive Committee has received some feedback that the original language of divisional PRCs having authority to decline to review an application with stated reasons and and it moves no further should stand as originally drafted. Exec Committee asks Senators to resolve this conflict of approaches in the current edited draft.  Product of today’s discussion will be forwarded on to the Provost for formal University review and policy adoption.

New Business 

1. The Executive Committee recommends that Faculty Senate adopt Thursday as the official day for Faculty Senate-related business.  Current Bylaws of the Faculty Senate modified to reflect this change.

Informational Presentations 

1. Academic Curriculum Development, Review & Approval Policy.  The work group continues to meet to work on policy and the underlying procedures guideline.  Today this group wishes to present a draft for the  recommended policy document and solicits feedback on this policy. (Judy Sylva, Amanda Smith, Tad Shannon)

Link for faculty feedback on the overarching policy statement.  Actual operational processes document will come later.

Open Discussion 

  •   Call for future business items
  •   Closing discussion items from the floor


Call for faculty to fill positions on the:

1. International Education Committee

2. University Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee

3. Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences

4. University Budget Advisory Committee

      If interested, email Steve Scheck 

 Supplemental documents

Considerations for Equity for post-traditional students presentation December 12. 2023 

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

January 23, 2024



Tuesday, January 23, 2024


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in person in the Columbia Room of the Werner University Center.

Alternative Zoom attendance format is available. 

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for December 12, 2023 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters)
  • Provost’s Report (PDF) (Jose Coll) — extended discussion time allocated
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (No report)  (Cheryl Beaver/Emily Plec)   

Old Business

Faculty Emerit Policy.

Senate President Scheck and Provost Coll reviewed the October 24, 2023 Faculty Senate-endorsed Emerit Policy and made several mutually-agreeable edits to the October 24th draft. The Executive Committee recommends endorsement of this edited draft and for the Senate President to submit this draft to the University for formal review and policy adoption.

New Business 

    No new business

Informational Presentations 

 1. Report on two items: (Chelle Batchelor)

   a.  Formal notification of name change from Academic Innovation to Center for Teaching and Learning

   b.  Sustainability initiatives

2. General Education Professional Learning Committee report. (Jay Schwartz)

The Gen Ed Professional Learning Community (GEPLC) is the body that carries out assessment for the General Education program at WOU. In Winter 2024, we will be soliciting student work samples from faculty across a broader swath of the Gen Ed program. Faculty who are not familiar with the Gen Ed assessment process will be asked to participate.

3. Faculty Senate representation on the committee for the creation and implementation of the university climate survey (Dominique Vargas)

 We will be forming a committee for the creation and implementation of the university climate survey. This survey is the final phase of our equity assessment. While the survey will be developed by Dr. West, the committee will offer feedback on survey questions. The committee will also develop a communication and implementation plan for the survey. The committee will also help implement the plans. The committee’s work will begin in February 2024 (with formation of the committee) and continue until the end of Fall term (following the conclusion of survey distribution). 

Open Discussion 

  •   Call for future business items
  •   Closing discussion items from the floor


Call for faculty to fill positions on the:

1. University Technology Advisory Committee

2. International Education Committee

3. University Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee

4. Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences

5. University Budget Advisory Committee

      If interested, email Steve Scheck 

 Supplemental documents

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

December 12, 2023


(First Faculty Senate Meeting in Winter ’24 Term is Tuesday, January 23)


Tuesday, December 12, 2023


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in Zoom format only. 

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for November 28, 2023 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters)
  • Provost’s Report (PDF) (Jose Coll) — extended discussion time allocated
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (No report)  (Cheryl Beaver/Emily Plec)   

Old Business

Feedback from the Divisions on:

1. Tuesday to Thursday swap in 25-26 for Senate business activities.

2. Hidden prerequisites in catalog descriptions and credit counts.

3. What to do with programs with a professional orientation but no explicit accreditation requirements that exceed the 90-credit standard for majors (in the 30/60/90 framework past provosts have advocated).

…and more generally – how is 30/60/90 being managed by academic programs? 

4. Continue the discussion on Provost Coll’s concept of eliminating the F/D- grade and replacing it with a NC grade. (also see new business)

Revised catalog copy markup                Revised catalog copy clean

New Business 

Resolution from the Division of Social Sciences

On behalf of the Social Science Division, I am writing to submit the following as an item of New Business for the upcoming December 12th Faculty Senate Meeting: holding a formal vote of endorsement/support for the pending change to the University Grading Scale policy, as presented by Provost Coll last month.” (Becky Philips)

Informational Presentations 

Department of English Studies name change to “Department of English” (Robert Troyer) 

FYS Assessment Project Presentation  Full Report (Leanne Merrill)

Post-traditional students Kristin and Cindy would like to bring to the floor a discussion regarding processes and systems at WOU in relation to equity for post-traditional students in flexible pathways working towards degree completion. Presentation. (Kristin Pratt, Cindy Ryan)

Open Discussion 

  •   Closing discussion items from the floor
  •   Call for future business items


Call for faculty to fill positions on the:

1. University Technology Advisory Committee

2. International Education Committee

3. University Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee

4. Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences

5. University Budget Advisory Committee

      If interested, email Steve Scheck 

 Supplemental documents

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

November 28, 2023



Tuesday, November 28, 2023


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in the Columbia Room of the Werner University Center. 

Also available by Zoom

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for November 14, 2023 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters)
  • Provost’s Report (PDF) (Jose Coll) — extended discussion time allocated
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (No report)  (Cheryl Beaver/Emily Plec)   

Old Business

Call for nominations to fill a vacancy on the FS Executive Committee for the remainder of the 23-24 AY

New Business 

No new business

Informational Presentations

The FS Executive Committee wishes to introduce a number of topics that have been forwarded to the committee for initial discussion at the November 28, 2023 Faculty Senate meeting.  Senators are encouraged to attend in person, if able, to engage in these discussions.


1. Hidden prerequisites in catalog descriptions and credit counts.

2. What to do with programs with a professional orientation but no explicit accreditation requirements that exceed the 90-credit standard for majors (in the 30/60/90 framework past provosts have advocated).

      …and more generally – how is 30/60/90 being managed by academic programs? 

3. Continue the discussion on Provost Coll’s concept of eliminating the F/D- grade and replacing it with a NC grade.


Open Discussion 

  •   Closing discussion items from the floor
  •   Call for future business items


Call for faculty to fill positions on the:

1. University Technology Advisory Committee

2. International Education Committee

3. University Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee

4. Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences

5. University Budget Advisory Committee

      If interested, email Steve Scheck 

 Supplemental documents

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022