Study Abroad

“I am settling in nicely at the PH Ludwigsburg. I have met so many interesting people here, and I am learning so much German everyday from friends and from my classes. A few days ago a group of us international students walked through Favorite Park and went to the Kürbisaustellung at the Residenzschloss. The palace was so beautiful and the festivities were very fun. I know it is a bit delayed but I want to thank all who were responsible for the decision in German club scholarship. This year will be an amazing experience that I will cherish my whole life.”

Certificates and Awards

Josseline, 2016 scholarship recipient

Nelly, B1 Certificate recipient

Student Accomplishments

Michael is High School German Teacher in Albany, Oregon.

Jessica is teaching at the German-American School in Portland.

David is an attorney.

Kevin joined the Peace Corps.