WOU Community Health + Polk County COVID-19 Project
The WOU Community Health + Polk County COVID-19 Project is a collaborative effort among community health faculty and students, Polk County Public Health, and other community partners to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The WOU Community Health and Polk County COVID-19 Project was initiated in June 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by two amazing, dedicated, and hard-working professors, Dr. Emily Vala-Haynes and Megan Patton-Lopez.
Our Goals
Our primary goal is to provide coordinated communication outreach and engagement efforts that ensure vulnerable members of Polk County have access to accurate and timely information to protect their health and safety.
Prepare and coordinate community health student contact tracing team to support Polk County Public Health.
Design and implement health communication and community outreach and engagement strategies for vulnerable populations.
Provide real-time data to support contact tracing and COVID-19 case prevention efforts in Polk County and across Oregon.
Emily Vala-Haynes presented at APHA (American Public Health Assoc) in 2023 about the COVID-19 project that happened on campus with Public Health students.

“To see the data brief, coming from a group from WOU just really changed my thoughts around. The school itself and the public health department and just how committed you are to the community, how much you gave to back to Polk County. There’s a lot to be said for that, so it was very, very enlightening for me to learn more about WOU as well, and I think you did a great job.”
Project Milestones
- December Our team hosted a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Western Oregon University. A total of 88 vaccines were given.
- June The Covid-19 Project reaches its 2-year anniversary.
- March Our team partnered with the WOU Library and Art Department to utilize the Communities for Immunity Grant to promote Covid-19 vaccine information through local libraries.
- January – March Our team co-hosted vaccine events throughout Polk County with community partners.
December 10 Our team hosted the second community health fair event, with more information and resources, and distributed 503 vaccine doses.
November 19 Our team hosted a community health fair event and distributed 285 vaccines.
October 11OPHA invited panel presentation & poster presentations: Data Brief and Family Thrive Kit poster.
May 27 Our team presents at the WOU Academic Excellence Showcase Presidential Plenary Session.
- January 1 Oregon Health Authority Community Outreach and Engagement funding extended to December 31st.
October 12Received Outstanding Student Poster Award at the annual Oregon Public Health Association conference.
July 10Team begins contact tracing for Polk County.
July 1Received Oregon Health Authority Community Outreach and Engagement funding.
June 15 Hired project coordinators and the first group of contact tracers.
June 1Signed contract with Polk County to begin contact tracing.
Our Team

Dan Dowhower, PhD, MPH, MS
Project Director

Jenny Leon-Perez, B.S., WOU Alumna
Project Coordinator

Kailey Knospe
Hometown: Salem

Fabi Palma Vasquez
Hometown: Eugene
Project Co-Founders

Emily Vala-Haynes
Associate Professor of Public Health

Megan Patton-Lopez
Former Interns

Sarah Carter

Sonia Castaneda Felix

Adam Chynoweth

Kelli Conopa

Esmirna Tencos Mendoza
Hometown: Hillsboro

Ezra Esch

Gaby Esquivel

Cody Gray

Mariana Guerrero

Leah Maraia
Hometown: Beaverton

Sherwine Guillaume

Samantha Harris

Allison Kirk

Rachel Koljesky

Hannah McCallister
Hometown: Grand Ronde

Queenie Love Agbayani

Jesus Maciel Abarca

Rosa Magana Solano
Karissa McClanahan

McKenzie Fisher
Hometown: Dallas

Sarah Meyer

Laura Moran

Krysten Perez

Jackie Rodriguez

Pricila Tinajero
Hometown: Salem

Val Garibay
Hometown: Salem

Rin Schwanke

Jessica Garibay Ochoa
Hometown: Salem

Kennedy Suhr

Blanca Jimenez
Hometown: Portland

Morgan Stueve
Hometown: Turner

Emily Synegal
Hometown: Salem

Rebecca Zharkoff
Hometown: Gervais