Common Questions
Common Questions
- What’s my address?
Your RSC (Residential Service Center) Box # will be on your Housing Overview Page early September. Sign into the WOU Portal, look for WOU University Housing to access your Housing Overview and see your RSC Box #.
NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT SHIP PACKAGES TO ARRIVE ON CAMPUS PRIOR TO YOUR ARRIVAL. We do not have space to store mail prior to your arrival on campus.
Listed below is the format that mail delivered to you in the Residence Halls should be addressed in.
Your Name
347 N. Monmouth Ave., RSC Box #
Monmouth, OR 97361 - Where and how will I get my mail?
All student mail will be delivered to the Unviersity Mail Services and then will be delievered to the Residential Service Center. Residents can check their mailbox for all letter mail and will receive and email with information about pick up. Photo ID is required to pick up a package. - Who is my roommate?
Students arriving for Fall Term will be searching and confirming their roommate in June through their Housing Overview. Students will receive an email once Roommate Matching is available. - What if we don’t get along?
We encourage you to be direct and honest with your roommate about the issue(s) you are having, and you find that you simply can not get along, your next step is to talk to your Resident Assistant. The RA will take you and your roommate through a mediation process and if warranted, help to facilitate a room change. - What happens if my roommate moves out?
If you are paying for a double and your roommate moves out, you are responsible for keeping your room roommate ready and accepting a new roommate. You may also reach out to Unviersity Housing about changing your room to a super single room (additional charges apply). - What size sheets and linens do I need to bring?
Beds are Twin Extra Long. They are 7′ 1″ in length by 3′ 2″ wide and all mattresses are 79″ long. - Can we have a microwave?
Each of the Residence Halls (with the exception of Arbor Park) – will have a Microwave-Refrigerator combo provided for you in the room. Please do not bring your own.
Arbor Park residents can bring a microwave with a 900 watt limit or less. We encourage you to chat with your roommate(s) and discuss who will bring what. - What about small appliances like coffee pots and rice cookers?
Small coffee makers, with auto shutoffs – and without exposed elements – are allowed. Rice Cookers & Crock pots are not allowed to be used in your room, can only be used in the Community Kitchen. A small blender that is single serving such as a Magic Bullet can be used in your room. - Where do I get my meal card?
Your meal card is actually your student ID card! - Where do I get my parking permit?
Parking permits are expected to go on sale in early September and are purchased through the WOU Portal. Residence Hall students will purchase a Zone 3 permit. - CAN WE HAVE PETS?
Aquarium Fish with gills and scales are the only pets allowed in the residence halls. Please note that aquarium size is limited to 10 gallons, and there is a limit of one aquarium per resident. - Do I have to move my belongings out during winter and spring break?
The residence halls DO close during winter and spring break when there are no classes on campus, but you do not need to move your items out.
Students can sign up to stay on campus during these breaks as well. With the exception of Arbor Park residents (break fees are built into their apartment rates), a separate fee for each break is assessed for residents who sign up to stay in the halls for all or any part of winter or spring break. - How do I get maintenance or facility issues fixed?
Please place a work order for each issue or concern. To access the work order system, you will go to your University Housing Overiview page, available on the WOU Portal. Please put in 1 work order per issue and please be as detailed with the location and issue as possible. - What do I do if I lost or misplaced my key?
The Residential Service Center will help you replace your lost key or fob. There may be a charge for lost or stolen keys/fobs. - Can I live on campus if I take less than 8 credits?
You must be taking 8 undergraduate credits, or 6 graduate credits to live on campus. If you need to take less than the credit requirement, you will need to submit a petition. Exemptions are made on a case by case basis. Petitions must be submitted to the University Housing office. - How do I pay for housing?
Room and board fees are placed on to your Student Account prior to the start of each term. All payments can be made online or at the Cashier’s Window of the Business Office in the Administration Building.- Any amount left on an account will become part of the revolving charge plan. Subsequent payments are due on the first of each month if the revolving charge plan is used. A revolving charge statement of policy is available from the Business Office.
- All room and board fees must be paid in full by the end of each term to be eligible for housing the following term or year.
- What if I need to break my contract?
First-year students are required to live on campus their entire first year. Dropping below 8 credits will not automatically exempt you from living on campus.Please keep in mind that your Housing Contract is a legal document, and by signing the contract, you have agreed to all of the terms and conditions stated within, not just those that seem agreeable at the time. University Housing urges you to read the contract carefully. You will find information that you will be responsible for regarding rules and regulations, and what to do if you have to break the contract.
Students choosing to break their Residential Contract who will continue to attend WOU will be assessed a $10.00 per day charge for every day of service remaining in the contract.
NOTE: All students must start with a petition when requesting to break their Residential Contract.
- What’s my address?