Housing Options for Families and Non-Traditional Students with a Spouse, Domestic Partner and/or Dependents
PLEASE NOTE: All applicants must have a spouse or domestic partner and/or dependent children to apply for an apartment.
“Dependent(s)” are defined as anyone meeting the dependent definitions as outlined in the Internal Revenue Code.
All applicants (with the exception of interim incoming Staff or Faculty) must be a full-time student (8 credit hours for undergraduate students and 6 for graduate students) at Western Oregon University prior to occupying a Family Housing Apartment.
Staff transitioning to WOU are limited to one year of occupancy.
503-838-8311 I housing@wou.edu I
Find Detailed Eligibility Requirements for Family Housing Below:
Once received, your application will be reviewed to verify that you meet the requirements and are eligible to live in Family Housing. Applicants who qualify will be offered a space. You will have 48 hours to respond to our offer. Once you choose to accept the open space, you will need to submit a non-refundable $50 application fee.
A $500 deposit will be required prior to check-in. (This is refundable if the unit is left in pre-occupancy condition).
Knox Street Apartments
The Knox Street Apartment complex is located on the northeast corner of campus, well within walking distance to all facilities on campus.
- 16 two-bedroom, one bath, single level apartments located here in four groups of 4-plexes.
- Apartments are unfurnished and fully carpeted.
- Kitchen includes stove top/oven, full-sized refrigerator and dishwasher.
- Separate laundry facility is located within the complex. No additional fee for residents to do laundry here.
Alder View
The Alder View Townhouse complex is located on the northwest corner of campus just off of Stadium Drive – B2 through C2 on the Residential Map.
- 40 two bedroom, bath and a half unfurnished town-house style units in four buildings of four townhouses each.
- Apartments are fully carpeted with the exception of the full kitchen and bathrooms.
- Fullsized kitchen includes stove top/oven, refrigerator and dishwasher. Separate Dining Room off the kitchen.
- Washer and Dryer within each unit.
Housing Quicklinks
- Apply – Scroll to the red section at the bottom of the page. Access the Family Housing Application tab.
- Costs
- Disability Services
- Pay Your Rent
- Directions & maps
- Student Resources