Data Requests
Internal Requests
Affiliated with Western Oregon University? Use the Data Request Form.
Please expect your request to take at least 2 weeks to complete. Reach out if you have an urgent request.
If you need information faster, please check data sources already avaliable: IPEDS, Institutional Research’s website, WCS, WolfWeb, Division Chair Reports, etc.
Level 1: Campus decision makers, mission critical initiatives, and external entities (HECC, IPEDS, NWCCU).
Level 2: Specialized accreditations, grants, Program Review, and other institutional reviews.
Level 3: Student support, student outreach, retention efforts, etc.
Level 4: Individual faculty and staff requests (ex. data for specialized research or conference presentations).
Level 5: General interest requests not related to university goals or initiatives.
External Requests
If you are not affiliated with Western Oregon University, you will need to submit your request as a public records request as allowed by the Freedom of Information Act. Please submit your request using the Public Records Request Form.