Western Oregon University’s Newsletter: December 4, 2023

We held our 56th annual holiday tree lighting celebration on December 1. Many fun events and activities took place, including a holiday parade, photos with Santa, cookie decorating, and a concert, which have all become cherished traditions.
A Message from President Peters
Dear Community:
As we move into the days between fall and winter terms, I find myself thinking about the strength of this community. In my address at the start of the term, I talked about how we are powered by place. And we are also fueled by people, who are committed to student success and support. And because of our desire to be open and inclusive as we educate, this institution is poised to set some new standards and lead in innovative ways.
More good things are on the horizon at Western, a fact that is symbolized by the annual holiday tree lighting of the sequoia tree. This campus is a vibrant and positive place. Like any community, we will have tensions and struggles, but we come back together to celebrate our strengths and remind ourselves of what we can do together. I look forward to continuing this journey with each of you.
We. Are. Wolves!
A Message from President Peters
President Peters and Dr. Cannata share a special message. Click the photo or the button below to watch it. We Are Wolves!

Western’s first graduate student body president champions proactive student-centric initiatives
Associated Students of Western Oregon University (ASWOU), the official student government of Western, continues to make significant strides in enhancing student life and advocating for student interests.

Western celebrates first-generation day
As an institution dedicated to fostering student success and support, Western takes this opportunity to showcase its commitment to supporting its 47% first-generation student body.

Western celebrates first open house for Occupational Therapy Doctorate program
Applications for the 2024-25 inaugural cohort are open and aspiring occupational therapy professionals are encouraged to apply. The event took place on November 4 and attracted many attendees, with a significant number expressing interest in joining the first cohort.
Western’s Cannon Art Gallery showcases faculty work in biennial exhibition
This year’s biennial exhibition includes the works of Western’s Art & Design faculty and staff. The exhibition is open to the public through December 8. Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of art and support creative endeavors.

Western Success Story: Juan Larios ‘01, ‘06
Alumnus Juan Larios ‘01, ’06, is a changer-maker in education as Superintendent for the Woodburn School District. He obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree in education. Check out his story.
More News
Listen to the newest episode of the Monmouth Monthly podcast featuring Western staff
Read the newest edition of the Western Howl (student-led newspaper at Western)
Check out the newest edition of PURE Insights (publication for undergraduate research)
Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution Is Committed to Inclusive Support
Western’s Provost selected for AASCU’s Academy for New Provosts
Western awarded DOJ grant for domestic violence prevention and awareness
Upcoming Events & Notable Dates
December 1-8: Cannon Art Gallery’s Biennial Exhibition
December 11 – January 5: Winter Break
December 22 – January 1: Campus closed
January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Information coming soon.
January 19: Smith Fine Arts Series Performance: Rainbow Dance Theatre
Western Oregon University. Where YOU Belong!
Western Oregon University
345 Monmouth Ave. Monmouth OR, 97361