Career Assessments
When making career decisions or exploring options, career assessments can be helpful in gaining awareness of your career interests, preferences, strengths, values and skills. Career assessments provide a framework for organizing career information and finding your fit in different occupations. They do not tell you what to do, but they can provide a piece of the puzzle.
There are two levels of assessments:
1) Professional assessments that are part of career counseling
2) Self-help assessment available online
Professional Assessments
CPP provides two professional career assessments that are used as part of career counseling. These are well researched, require an interpretation by a qualified professional and provide you a detailed report. Directions for accessing these assessments are provided by your career counselor. To schedule an appointment with one of our career counselors. Call 503-838-8648, or schedule an appointment on Handshake/WolfLink on your portal.
a) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Helps you to understand your natural preferences, suggests strategies for career exploration and development, and allows you to explore job families and occupations for your type.
b) Strong Interest Inventory (SII)
Helps you to explore your interests, generate careers options to consider, and suggests experiential and educational opportunities aligning with your interests.
Self-help Assessments
There are many self-help career assessments available online. Those can be a good starting point for exploration and self-knowledge. Here are a few that we would recommend:
- 16 Personalities – is a good self-help MBTI type assessment, with a lot of detail and beautiful graphics
- Human Metrics – is another MBTI type assessment, simple and to the point
- My Next Move – Interest Profiler – This assessment is based on ideas from the SII and assesses how your interests are compatible with occupations. It uses information from O*NET, the primary source of occupational information in the US
Feel free to bring results from self-help assessments to your career counseling appointment. They can be a great way to start the conversation.