Earlene Camarillo
Social Science Division Chair, Pre-Law Advisor, Associate Professor, Politics, Policy, and Administration
503-838-9350 | camarilloe@wou.edu | BELL 231A | Office Hours: Mo. 10-12
Dr. Earlene A. S. Camarillo is an associate professor in the department of Politics, Policy, and Administration (PPA) at Western Oregon University. She also serves as the Pre-Law Advisor. She received a Ph.D. in Political Science and a Master of Public Administration from Northern Arizona University and a B.A. in political science and international affairs from the University of California, Riverside. She teaches courses in public administration and personnel management, American politics and policy, and health policy. Dr. Camarillo is also co-founder of the Empowered Communities Project.
As a political scientist and public policy scholar, she is dedicated to looking at how the political system can be used to alleviate preventable health conditions and health inequities across the nation. Her research examines the role of local health departments in protecting community health, how worksite wellness programs can be better implemented in government agencies, and the media’s coverage of Native American communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Office Hours: During these hours Dr. Camarillo will be available in her office BELL 231A. Drop in or use this link to schedule an appointment. Priority will be given to those with scheduled appointments. If you would like to meet via Zoom or schedule an appointment outside of these hours, email camarilloe@wou.edu.