2024 AES Schedule

2024 Academic Excellence Schedule
Find your next session here!
Coffee & Check-in 8:00-9:00
Willamette Room
Also, pick up your Scavenger Hunt game card and AES Crossword Puzzle at the Info Desk outside the Pacific Room. Turn these in by 2:30 for CANDY a chance of winning a prize!
Plenary 9:00-10:00
Willamette room
Keynote speaker is Cheyanne Heidt, from the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
WOU faculty also speaking:
- Jaclyn Caires-Hurley (Division of Education and Leadership)
- Ryan Topper (English)
- Brooke Dolenc Nott (Psychology)
Pacific Room
Posters must be set up by 10:00.
Poster Contest judging begins at 10 am sharp!
Poster Awards at 2:30.
- President’s Pick Award
- Faculty Choice Award
- Fan Favorite Award
Posters must be retrieved by 3:00
Session One 10:15- 12:30
English Studies: Recognition and Readings
Willamette room
Art and Design
RWEC 101
The Movement of Community: Celebrating Dance at WOU
Maple Hall
Pacific Room
OHSU at 10:15- 12:30
First Year Seminar Showcase at 10:15-11:15
Session Two 11:30-12:30
Pacific Room
Biology & Political Science
Session Three 12:45-1:45
PURE Insights and Graduate Studies and Research
Willamette Room
PURE Insights is WOU’s very own undergraduate research magazine! Find out how you can get your research published. If you miss this session, check out PURE Insights‘ table in the Pacific Room.
Graduate Studies and Research offers awards of up to $1,500 to support student research by a graduate or undergraduate student. This award is designed to help financially support the completion of a research project. Come learn about the projects that were funded this year and how you can apply next year!
Exploring Model United Nations
Calapooia Room
Computer Science Capstone
ITC 211 from 12:45 to 3:00
Chemistry at the Forefront: Undergraduates Discussing Emerging Trends and Innovations
NS 101 12:45 to 3:00
Petrology@WOU: Use of Technology-Enhanced Tools for Problem Solving in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
HWC 105 12:45 to 4:15
Pacific Room
“Big Love” – A conceptual study of the visual components of a play by Charles Mee
CPP Table– resume mixology
Rizz-Mixologist In Da House. Learn the recipe for a successful resume, and build yourself a Mocktail in the process.
Session Four 2-3:00
Willamette Room
Current and former students who completed internships share their stories. Learn about resources and benefits of participating in an internship.
Welcome Center 136 from 2:00 to 4:00
Health & Exercise Science Presentations
RWEC 101 from 2:00 to 5:00
John Proctor is the Villain
Rice Auditorium from 2:00 to 5:00
Corset crafting for “Spring Awakening”
Rice Auditorium Lobby from 2:00 to 5:00
Pacific Room
Behavioral Sciences
Awards for Best Poster Contest at 2:30 PM
Session Five 3:15-4:15
Maurice Creativity Prize
Willamette Room
Behavioral Sciences Research Symposium
Columbia Room with awards to follow
HEX Major of the Year Ceremony
RWEC 101 from 3:30 to 5:00
2024 Presidential Debate-Open Forum
ITC 211 from 3:15 to 5:00
WOU’s 2024 Academic Excellence Showcase (AES) will be held on Thursday, May 30, 2024, to celebrate students’ accomplishment and scholarships. This is a fully in-person event! The presidential plenary talk is scheduled at the Willamette room, 9-10 am, at Werner Student Center.
Meet the AES Planning Committee
Comprising faculty and staff from across campus and chaired by the PURE coordinator, the AES Planning Committee is dedicated to the event’s success. In order to ensure the highest level of participation, the group includes faculty volunteers, representing academic disciplines across campus, to serve as session chairs. Please consider joining us in our celebration of student scholarly excellence!