Faculty/Staff Information
Cindy Ryan
, Education & Leadership
88605 | ryanc@wou.edu
RWEC 121
Why I chose WOU
I love that WOU is a teaching college, and that the focus is our students. WOU's great reputation in the area of teacher education was a big draw as well.At WOU since
Reading, collecting agates and sea glass while walking at the coast, and photography.Fun fact
Favorite book/movie
Office Hours
Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri |
11:00am-2:00pm | ||||
Saturday's (10/5, 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7) 4:00-5:00 |
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
ED 485 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 429 | PROF DEV SEM III | RWEC 105 | ------S | 1200-1350 |
ED 429 | PROF DEV SEM III | RWEC 105 | ------S | 1200-1350 |
ED 485 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 485 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 485 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | HYBRD* CRS | ------- | - |
ED 585 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 350 | EMERGENT LITERACY | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
ED 485 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 585 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 585 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | HYBRD* CRS | ------- | - |
ED 429 | PROF DEV SEM III | HYBRD* CRS | ------- | - |
ED 585 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 429 | PROF DEV SEM III | RWEC 105 | ------S | 1200-1350 |
ED 485 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 585 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 429 | PROF DEV SEM III | RWEC 105 | ------S | 1200-1350 |
ED 485 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 429 | PROF DEV SEM III | RWEC 105 | ------S | 1200-1350 |
ED 585 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 585 | ECE LDRSHP ADMIN | RWEC 105 | ------S | 0900-1150 |
ED 429 | PROF DEV SEM III | RWEC 105 | ------S | 1200-1350 |
Areas of responsibility
Chair, Division of Education and Leadership; Early Childhood faculty and advisor to students in the Early Childhood program.
Ed.D. in Teaching and Learning-Early Childhood focus, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Educational Administration K-12 Principal, St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, MN
M.S. in Special Education: University of Minnesota-Duluth, Duluth, MN
B.S. Early and Exceptional Education, Moorhead State University, Moorhead, MN
Professional experience
Dr. Cindy Ryan has over 18 years of experience in early intervention/early childhood special education, teaching in inclusive programs across the country. Cindy also has experience in school administration, serving as Early Childhood and Special Education Coordinator for two school districts before moving in higher education.
In addition, Cindy is a proud mother of three grown children, and grandmother to Zephyr, an amazing young boy. Cindy moved to the coast last year (2018), and loves to walk on the beach in search of the treasures that wash up (agates, sea glass, etc.). When looking off her deck, Cindy also enjoys watching whales, sea lions, and sea otters playing in the surf.
What will you do and learn in my courses
You will be an active participant in our class. I consider you a co-teacher, so be ready to take part! We are going to take a journey where you will learn about research-based best practices in early childhood, inclusion, and social justice. You are going to be pushed to dig deep into the topic, and take part in the conversation.
Teaching Focus
Early Childhood, Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education
Research Areas
Inclusion, non-traditional students, relationship-based practices
Grants & Funding
2014-2019 Project PIECE (Promoting Inclusion in Early Childhood Educators), $1,000,000
Grad courses taught
ED 519 Poverty, Young Children and their Families
ED 520 Global Perspectives in Early Childhood
ED 548 Early Childhood Curriculum
ED 585 Leadership in Early Childhood
ED 603 Professional Project
ED 603 Thesis
ED 633 Research and Writing
ED 689 Contemporary Children’s and Young Adult Literature in the Classroom
SPED 682 Contemporary Issues in Special Education
Undergrad courses taught
ED 220 Introduction to Early Childhood
ED 231 Typical and Atypical Development
ED 232 Health & Safety Practices in ECE
ED 242 Child Development
ED 250 Inclusive Practices in ECE
ED 259 Special Education and Inclusive Communities
ED 322 Early Childhood Motor Development & Movement Education
ED 324 Creative Arts in ECE
ED 345 Designing Early Childhood Environments
ED 350 Emergent Literacy in ECE
ED 368 Science & Social Studies in Early Childhood Settings
ED 404, 405, 429 Student Teaching Seminar
ED 411, 412, 498 Field Experience
ED 419 Poverty, Young Children and their Families
ED 420 Global Perspectives in ECE
ED 442W Human Development and Learning Through Literacy
ED 443 Developing Literacy
ED 446 Environments for Diverse Learners
ED 448 ECE Curriculum
ED 450 Authorization Specialty: Classroom Management
ED 464 (formerly ED 382) ECE Family and Community Involvement
ED 466 (formerly ED 326) Technology in Inclusive ECE
ED 485 Leadership in ECE
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