Civics Training
Thursday, March 6, 2025 2:00 – 5:00 PM
Health and Wellness Center (HWC) 301

Friday, May 10, 2024 9:30 – 2:00pm
Free Workshop
Learn strategies to promote current issues.
Western Oregon University

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 12:00 – 12:50pm RWEC 101
Is Iran Burning? The Hijab Protests in Context
Jonathan Katz is an emeritus professor of Middle East history at Oregon State University. He lived in Tehran during the run-up to the Islamic revolution.
Sponsored by WOU Department of History

March 11, 2021 | 12:00-1:00 p.m.
“Black Woman in Green,”
Social Sciences Symposium Departments of History and Politics, Policy, and Administration

LSAT Weekend Prep, May 14 & 15

February 2020
Congress to Campus comes to WOU!
The Department of Politics, Policy, and Administration brought former U.S. House Representatives Nick Lampson (D-TX) and Rod Chandler (R-WA) to WOU to: educate about how the US Congress functions, promote bipartisanship, and discuss the value of public service.
Nov. 4th 2019
Honduras Resists: Contronting a US-fueled Human Rights Crisis
The WFP Solaidarity Collective 2019 Speaker Tour
Heidy Alachán is a writing, attorney and activist of the Broad Movement for Dignity and Justice (MADJ – Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y la Justicia). She is a member of the leagal team representing the family of internationally renouned indigenous and environmental rights activist, Berta Cáceres, in their struggle for justice for her assassination.

Pre-Law Meet & Greet
Mr. Derek Olson
WOU Alumni & Practicing Attorney
March 3, 5:15 PM Bell 237

Tuesday, January 28th 1:00 PM HWC 301
Dr. Earlene Camarillo
Law School Application Workshop
Are you ready to apply to law school, but feeling overwhelmed by the process?

Wednesday, April 10th 2:00 PM Columbia Room (WUC)
Book Presentation by Dr. Eliot Dickinson
WOU Professor of Politics, Policy and Administration

Monday, Feb 13th 4:00 PM Willamette Room
Film “Buffalo Soldiers: Fighting on Two Fronts”
The screening is free and open the public. The Buffalo Soldiers—an African American regiment in the United States Army in the 19th century—fought military conflicts abroad and civil rights struggles at home. The film examines the profound and often-contradictory roles played in American history by The Buffalo Soldiers.
Here is a one-minute trailer for the film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvopfQQxdIg

Tues, November 15 2022 12:00-12:50, Richard Woodcock Education Center 101
The War in Ukraine – Today: A Forum Discussion
This is an in-person event.
Join: Professor David Doellinger (History) & Professor Mary Pettenger (Political Science) for a discussion of the war in Ukraine from the perspective of history and international politics.
WOU Calendar: https//calendar.wou.edu/event/7857-the-war-in-ukraine-today-a-forum-discussion

March 8th at Noon, Columbia Room
Social Science Symposium Series The War in the Ukraine: A Forum Discussion
Professor David Doellinger (History) & Professor Eliot Dickinson (Political Science)
Join us for a discussion of the War in the Ukraine from the perspective of history and international relations.
For more information, contact Dr. David Doellinger, 503-838-8254, doellind@wou.edu.

Oct. 19th 2021
Community Organizing Presentation: “To Question All Types of Authority”
Nick Licata
To question all types of authority you have to be creative and brave. Continually moving forward is the goal- not finding a perfect solution to rest upon. There is no utopia – but there is a path foward one.

Starting Fall 2021
NEW Certificate in Social Justice and Service Learning (Bilingual)
This new interdisciplinary certificate builds on a core course in two departments: one course in Service Learning in the Spanish Department, and another core course in Service Learning applied to the Latino Community offered by the Sociology Department.

Politics by the "Slice"
Monday, March 3rd at noon Bellamy 107

Wednesday, November 15, 12-1:00 pm HWC Room 105
Dr. Becky Phillips Ph.D., MSW
Social Science Symposium – Socially Just Social Work: Stakeholder Voice and Participation in Research, Policy and Practice
Thursday, February 9th 12:00pm Columbia Room, Werner University Center
Join us for a discussion with Charles Busch, founder of Fields of Peace, about his organization’s work. “Our Vision is a world in which conflicts are solved peacefully,” he says, “our Mission is to stop the killing of children in wars.” Friends of Fields of Peace take the following pledge, called “A Promise to Our Children”

Monday, April 18th 4-5PM, HWC 204
With Oregon Speaker of the House:
Brought to you by the Department of Politics, Policy & Administration’s Civic Engagement Project.
For more information, contact Dr. Mark Henkels, henkelm@wou.edu

Tuesday, April 12th 12:00 - 12:50 Health & Wellness Center, Room 203
“Supporting A Healthy Human Service Workforce: Understanding Occupational Stress and Turnover within Child Welfare”
Join us for a presentation by Sociology/Social Work Faculty Candidate: Rebecca Phillips
Co-Sponsored by the SOC321 Labor Relations class and the Social Science Symposium Series
For more information, contact Dr. Mary Pettenger, 503-838-8301, pettengm@wou.edu
Oct. 23rd 2019
Model U.N. Hosts Dr. Warren Binford: “Four Days in Clint”
To celebrate the United Nations’ birthday, the Model UN club hosted “Four
Days in Clint” on Wednesday October 23rd.
This featured Willamette Law professor Dr. Warren Binford, who described what she observed at the southern U.S. border.

Oregon's Others
Wednesday, Oct. 16th
Warner University Center
Columbia Room 4:50 PM

Thursday, March 7th 6-8:00 pm Hamersly Library Room 107
History Trivia Night

February 29th 6-8:00 pm Hamersly Library Room 107
Cinema Ticket Movie Night

Wednesday, March 8th 12-1:00 WUC Columbia Room
Wednesday, March 8th
WUC Columbia Room
How to Start a Nonprofit
Featuring: Salam Noor, Ph.D

Tuesday, May 10th at Noon via Zoom
Social Science Symposium Series
Join us via Zoom for a presentation from RICARDO TORRES PÉREZ as he discusses the profound changes in the Cuban economy since the demise of the Soviet Union.
March 9th at Noon, Willamette Room
How to get a Hummingbird to Listen
Learn tips to craft persuasive and succinct messages to hummingbirds (a person such as an…..
The Social Science Symposium presents Greg Leo, an expert in the field of lobbying. Greg is the founder of The Leo Company LLC, a marketing, public relations, and government affairs firm that specializes in assisting local governments, Native American tribes, corporations, non-profit corporations, and individuals to turn their ideas into policy.

Feb. 17th at Noon, HWC 203
Charles Busch, founder of Fields of Peace, will give a talk on his organization’s work. “Our Vision is a world in which conflicts are solved peacefully,” he says, “our Mission is to stop the killing of children in wars.” Friends of Fields of Peace take the following pledge, called “A Promise to Our Children