Are you looking to host your event in the Werner University Center, RWEC 101, the Health and Wellness center, Gentle house, or the grove? You are in the right place, follow the dropdowns below to find your next steps!

What kind of event are you looking to host?

Tabling or general meeting and you don’t intend to have food, AV equipment, speakers, or any other requests?

You do not need an Event Advertisement so head on over to Astra to reserve your space now! 

An event, tabling, or meeting with anything listed above, or any other gathering?

Your first step is an Event Advisement with a Student Engagement Event advisor! Go on over to the WUC information desk or give them a call to set your appointment today! 

Having a dance in the Werner University Center? Look at dance monitor details here

If you are fundraising, check out this protocol!

If you are a chartered ASWOU student organization, contact Paula Verdegaal-Taylor for fundraising procedures. **Any money raised gets deposited back into the ASWOU index code for the organization.

Anyone else, contact the WOU Foundation for fundraiser procedures:

General Planning Overview:

This flowchart outlines how far in advance you should consider the listed for your event to be successful!

Flowchart of "How to Plan a Campus Event"
A logo of a wolf with WOU above, to the right the text reads: Campus Dining
An abstract letter A and the words Ad Astra
The word presence with a geometric shapes around the C

Timeline Considerations:

8 Weeks Prior to The Event:

  • All events should plan to meet with an Event Advisor 8 weeks out form their event date
  • The process for bringing outside guest speakers, vendors, performers, etc. needs to begin 8 weeks before the event date

    6 Weeks Prior to The Event:

    • To reserve space the event space must be reserved through Astra 6 weeks prior to the event
    • To follow advertising guidelines, your event must be posted to Presence 6 weeks before the event to go through te approval process 
    • To serve outside catered food, catering must receive a catering waiver with all information 6 weeks prior to the event

      4 Weeks Prior to The Event:

      • To order catering from campus dining the request must be submitted 4 weeks in advance

        2 Weeks Prior to The Event:

        • To place posters up in academic and non-academic building they must be approved by VPSA 2 weeks in advance (Note. To follow the ODS guidelines posters must be placed up 72 business hours before the event)