Stonewall Center

Mission Statement:
The Stonewall Center is dedicated to providing resources, support, and advocacy for the LGBT*Q+ community at Western Oregon University through compassionate, educational experiences and an engaging community environment. SLA offers professional staff direction (Coordinator for Campus Life and Activities) as well as a student leadership position (Stonewall Center Coordinator).
During this COVID-19 time of social distancing and reduced staffing within Student Engagement, WOU Safe Zone and Dr. Dana Schowalter are helping to keep the mission of The Stonewall Center alive. Information about Safe Zone can be found HERE. To schedule a time to ask questions of Dr. Dana Schowalter, click HERE.
What is the Stonewall Center?
The Stonewall Center is an LGBTQ+ Resource center. The center is staffed by the Coordinator for Leadership and Inclusion, a student coordinator, and volunteers. Throughout the year, Stonewall hosts educational, informational, and social programs.
What are some of the programs Stonewall Center puts on?
While the Stonewall Center is always updating, changing, and adding new programs, some that happen every year are: Mariokart tournaments every term, National Coming Out Day in October, NOH8 photos, and Lavender Graduation at the end of the academic year.
Where Does ‘Stonewall’ Come From?
The name ‘Stonewall’ comes from the Stonewall Riots in 1969. They were a series of unplanned and violent demonstrations by members of the LGBTQ+ community in response to an anti-LGBTQ+ police raid at the Stonewall Inn in New York City. The riots are widely considered to be the most important event in, and the start of, the modern fight for LGBTQ+ rights in the United States. In the US, the word Stonewall has come to represent a community that will no longer fear, but instead fight for equality and a rightful place in the history of a country founded on the belief in freedom and liberation for all.
- All Gender Restroom located on the 1st floor of the Werner University Center.
- A list of gender neutral bathrooms can be found here.
ODVA’s LGBTQ+ Veterans Panel
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Here is the information that was provided at our Transgender Day of Remembrance Memorial Tabling. Please take the time to read their stories, and honor the memories of Transgender and Gender non-conforming individuals who we have lost this year due to anti-transgender violence.
If you were unable to make it to the tabling, we still have ribbons and brochures in the Stonewall Center that you can pick up during our hours of operation.