Slideshow Tour, Art Collection, and Guest Wifi
Parking and Driving
List of WUC Services
- Study Rooms
- Meeting and Club Space
- E-mail stations and Computer Lab
- Non-Traditional Student Lounge
- Pool table, big screen TV
- Information Desk
- Social environment
- WOU’s Center for student life!
- BBQ Rental
- Sandwich Boards and Easels
- Make Change
- ID Cards
- Sustainability and Recycling
- Coin Change Machine
- Bike Repair Station
- USB charger stations in the 1st floor Computer lab and the 2nd floor Deschutes Lounge
- Electronic reader boards with the WUC for advertising
Who’s in the WUC?
Reservations and Events
Are you interesting in reserving a space in the WUC? Planning an upcoming event? We are happy to help! Give us a call, send an email, or click a button below to find out more.
The Werner University Center is operated with Incidental fees, which are fees that every student pays each term as part of Western Oregon University’s tuition and fees. For more information about Incidental Fees, click here.
Take a 3D tour of the Werner Universirty Center (2020 version)
Student Engagement also recevies programming money through the Incidental fees, which are fees that every student pays each term as part of Western Oregon University’s tuition and fees. For more information about Incidental Fees, click here.
Werner University Center Academic Year Operating Hours:
Monday-Friday 7:30am-8:00pm | Saturday 11am-3pm (Fall/Winter) 10-2pm (Spring) Closed | Sunday Closed**
**Hours subject to change for events, holidays and operational needs