Wolf Ride
University use of the WOLF Ride van
WOU’s Safe Ride Program (WOLF Ride) has one (1) van that may be used by campus affiliated groups during times that WOLF Ride is not providing service. The van is equipped with a rear-wheelchair lift making it wheelchair-friendly and suitable for 8-passengers. If the lift will not be needed, the van can accommodate 12-passengers.
All reservations must adhere to state, local, and University travel and transit policies, including those relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rental Rate and Fee
$40.00 per day plus mileage. Groups will be charged at the Oregon mileage rate. Payment will be made by a WOU Journal Voucher.
Reservations are subject to availability. In most cases, the van can be reserved by one WOU organization per day (exceptions may be granted, depending on the time(s) of the reservation). Reservations that interrupt or delay regular WOLF Ride service may not be approved. Reservations are on a first come, first serve basis. Reservations will be confirmed via email. Reservations can be made:
- Online – Fill out the reservation request form below
All reservation requests must include the following details:
- WOU department or club name
- Contact information of person making the reservation: name, email address, phone number
- Departure and return dates and times
- Destination (city and s)tate
- Driver(s) full names (must be pre-approved to drive by Campus Public Safety and have completed the van safety test)
- WOU account index for payment
- Whether or not use of the wheelchair lift is requested
Reservation Request Form
Please complete all fields. When you submit your request, your web browser should refresh. Click the reservation request form box and you should see a response indicating your request has been submitted; if you do not see that, you will get an error message and somewhere in the request form, a box would be highlighted stating the error that needs to be fixed. If you run into any technical issues, please contact our office at 503-838-8221 or studentaffairs@wou.edu.
Van Reservation Request: WOLF Ride Vehicle
Reservations & Operations Schedule
Key Checkout, Fuel, & Return Details
Getting the Key
The key checkout packet can be picked up at the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, ADM 207, on the day of the reservation, anytime 8am-5pm. If travel is on a weekend, the keys must be picked up prior to 5:00 pm on Friday. The van is located in parking Lot H ,on the north side of Werner University Center (WUC).
Fuel is charged per mile at the Oregon mileage rate. If groups need to purchase fuel on the trip using the provided fuel card, please be sure to attach the receipt when you return the keys.
Parking the Van
The van must be returned to parking Lot H and parked in the designated spot; remove all garbage and personal items, turn off all lights (headlights, interior lights), close all windows, and lock the van. When returning the van and the checkout pouch, the odometer form must be completed by filling in the date, time, and ending mileage.
Returning the Key
The checkout pouch and key must be returned to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, ADM 207, at the end of the trip, on the same business day or following business day. If the travel is on a weekend, the keys can either be dropped off at the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs on the next business day.
Vehicle Damages, Department Responsibility, and Insurance
Costs Not Covered by WOU Safe Ride Program
The following costs are the responsibility of the driver and driver’s department:
- All fines or traffic violations incurred by drivers of the van. University funds may not be used for payment of fines/violations.
- Vehicle damages resulting from an accident, abuse, neglect, or the driver’s intentional action.
- Vehicle damages in the event of an authorized or unauthorized use.
- Costs relating to other-than-normal vehicle expenses including towing charges, vehicle damage, and accessory installations and removals (radios, etc.).
- Cleaning accumulated food, paper, etc. left by users, including detailing, if necessary.
- Payment of any deductible associated with an employee’s accident that occurred while driving the van.
Vehicle Insurance
Western Oregon University is insured by United Educators Insurance, administered by Brown & Brown. Physical damage and liability are both covered for university-owned vehicles.
Authorized drivers of the van and authorized passengers may be covered by the State of Oregon Insurance Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF) workers’ compensation insurance when conducting official Western Oregon University/State of Oregon business in good faith within the scope and course of employment or duties.
When an authorized driver of the van is at fault, the United Educators Insurance will cover damages to property or injuries sustained in the accident. Departments, clubs, or student organizations are responsible for all costs associated with accident and may be charged up to the $5,000.00 deductible minimum.
For a complete list, refer to the WOLF Ride Internal Van Use Policy.
WOLF Ride Internal Van Use Policy
For more information on the use of the WOLF Ride vehicle, refer to the WOLF Ride Internal Van Use Policy.
Canceling A Reservation
If your plans change and you need to cancel a reservation, please notify us our office at 503-838-8221 or studentaffairs@wou.edu. Cancellations made with less than a 24-hour notice may be charged the full rental rate.