Student Conduct Committee

Students entering New PE, 1971. Photo courtesy of the WOU Archives.
What is the Student Conduct Committee?
The Student Conduct Committee (SCC) is a vital part of the student conduct process at Western Oregon University, where allegations of student misconduct are resolved. The SCC meets periodically to hear and adjudicate conduct cases for students at Western who are allegedly in violation of the Student Code of Responsibility. The SCC pool is composed of students, faculty, and staff, who review evidence, question those involved, and evaluate appropriate sanctions should the Committee find the person responsible for the violation.
We asked our Student Conduct Committee members what they enjoy most about being part of the Student Conduct Committee.
Here’s what they had to say:
“I like that students have a voice in other students cases and get to think as if they were the students.”
“Finding ways to make students understand the importance of their actions on others while also working to create space for them to grow as individuals through a process of learning from past mistakes is rewarding!”
“Helping students be successful.”
“I did it to grow in empathy and learn more about our students.”
“I want to help students find their path while also connecting with other faculty/staff on campus!”
“I like helping students who often make silly mistakes on spur of moments. They’re not bad people, just people who’ve made a mistake.”
“I want to be part of an educational moment for students on our campus, to help them learn and grow through situations.”
“Campus involvement in an area with need, but maybe not enough attention it deserves!”