Transfer Pathways for Community College Students
WOU works closely with Oregon Community Colleges to prepare future teachers. Through the Associates of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree (AAOT) or the Oregon Transfer Module (OTM), you can take classes that fulfill lower-division and general education requirements, and then transfer to WOU to complete your upper-division coursework that leads to a career in teaching.
College-specific transfer guides
The transfer guides below outline the courses and steps needed for a smooth transfer from your community college to Western Oregon University’s Bachelor of Science Degree in Education, which culminates in an Oregon Teaching License. Depending upon the grade level and subjects you intend to teach, you may want to complete all of your lower-division courses at your community college prior to transferring, OR you may want to transfer or dual enroll as early as the end of your freshman year. If you are interested in exploring the many options for teacher preparation at Western Oregon University, including Elementary (multiple subjects) or Secondary Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Science, Spanish, Music, PE, or Health, please make an appointment with a WOU advisor as early as possible in your first term at your community college.

Central Oregon Community College

Chemeketa Community College

Clackamas Community College

Clatsop Community College

Lane Community College

Linn Benton Community College

Oregon Coast Community College

Portland Community College

Tillamook Bay Community College