Mount Hood

I just don’t get Elon Musk’s sexual fascination with space exploration

By: Darien Campo
Concerned Citizen

elon-muskbw-new-versionJust last week SpaceX founder Elon Musk announced his plans to begin work on sending humans to the planet Mars by the year 2022-just six years from now. People around the globe are reacting to the news with excitement, rallying together with a great outpouring of support for the California-based aerospace company. But the whole idea is incredibly baffling to me, because I just don’t get Elon Musk’s sexual fascination with space exploration.

I guess maybe you can call me old fashioned, but I like the way things are right here on Earth. I’m a regular guy: I enjoy coffee, beaches and an atmospheric pressure high enough to support liquid water. So when a guy tells me he wants to spend millions of dollars launching himself on a fancy rocket to some barren rock in the sky, I have to wonder-what kind of elaborate fetish is this guy playing out?

Look, I get it. Space is a “cool” thing now. I’m just as curious about, like, space rocks and stuff as the next guy; but for the life of me I just cannot seem to fathom Elon Musk’s unstoppable need to penetrate the darkness of the infinite void.

What kind of far-out sexual gratification drives a man to shoot rocket after rocket into the sky, watching each one explode, one after another, only to say “Yeah, I’m gonna ride one of those things.”

All of our greatest telescopes have already gone a’knockin’, and scientists can confirm: Mars is empty-no one’s home! So what could he possibly think he’s going to find up there? Does the possibility of extraterrestrial microbial life bring a stirring to his loins?

Maybe the media is to blame. Has the science fiction genre sexualized outer space enough to drive a man to this point? All I know is that Mr. Musk is just one, of a whole generation of young men, who grew up reading things like Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “Princess of Mars” books-a series which blatantly fetishized Martian women as extraterrestrial sex objects. It is books and movies like this that give young men the wrong ideas, and next thing you know the government is allocating funds for perverts like NASA.

All I’m asking for is a little practical decency. Back in my day, we took our disgusting, overcomplicated fetishes and shoved them deep down into the back of our minds where, sometimes at night, I can still feel the desire burning away like a match lit eternal-the way it’s supposed to be.

I don’t know what sort of sick fantasies Musk is hoping to play out in the ancient dust of the vast Martian desert, but I want to know why he can’t just keep it to himself.

Just think about it: if Elon Musk would just stop and take a cold shower, we could instead divert all of that taxpayer money to a more dignified endeavour-perhaps a detailed exhibit at the Smithsonian on women’s feet.

Contact the author at

This week in completely made up horoscopes

This week in completely made up horoscopes
Compiled by Zoe Strickland

Aries 3/21-4/19
This week is looking grim, Aries. For some unknown reason, all of your meal plan points are Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 4.14.23 PMabout to disappear. The stars are showing me piles and piles of ramen in your future.

Taurus 4/20-5/20
I have a haunting suspicion that you’ll be getting mail from financial aid this week.

Gemini 5/21-6/20
This is a great week to watch musicals. Let the songs of “Hamilton” narrate your life, Gemini.

Cancer 6/21-7/22
This week something will happen in your life, Cancer. Sadly, I can’t tell you what. I’ve promised the stars.

Leo 7/23-8/22
It’s only the second week of school, but I can feel that you’re stressed. To curb your anxiety, get a group of friends together and watch “Titanic”.

Virgo 8/23-9/22
Do yourself a favor, Virgo. Go to Google and search for images of a ‘blobfish’. You’ll thank me.

Libra 9/23-10/22
Celebrate! If you have a birthday this week, you will soon be the proud owner of a Razor scooter.

Scorpio 10/23-11/21
I’ve heard that Scorpio’s are obsessive, but I’m here to tell you that the world is wrong. Checking your phone every 10 seconds to see if someone has texted you is definitely not obsessive. You’re just passionate.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21
In 30 years, you will be the heartthrob of the PTA.

Capricorn 12/22-1/19
The stars don’t have to tell me that you’re dreading Christmas, Capricorn. This week I’m encouraging you to embrace the peppermint.

Aquarius 1/20-2/18
Just remember Aquarius, there are plenty of fish in the sea.

Pisces 2/19-3/20
This is your week, Pisces. You will finally be able to fit your hand into that Pringles can.

Campus clown survival tips

By: Ashton Newton
Entertainment Editor

Campus clowns are nothing to be afraid of. Here are some tips to help you get through the epidemic:

1. Clowns are more afraid of you than you are of them.
2. There’s a small chance that the clowns are friendly and just want to entertain you.
3. Clowns usually have big shoes, so you can run faster than them.
4. Clowns can smell fear so just try to smile and sing, “Let it Go” if you see one.
5. If you see a clown exit a vehicle, just remember that there could be an infinite amount of clowns remaining in the vehicle and plan your route accordingly.
6. A clown’s true weakness is sadness, playing “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan while showing pictures of sad puppies should scare the clown off.
7. If it comes down to self-defense, a pie in the face will do more damage than any weapon could do.
8. Clowns only follow people because they want to cheer them up, so when running from a clown, laugh maniacally.
9. If there are clown sightings in your area, avoid walking through forests alone at night.
10. Hostility toward clowns creates hostile clowns. Follow the tips above so hopefully one day we can have peace between the clowns and us.

This week in completely made up horoscopes

By: Zoe Strickland

NASA recently reminded all of us that they truly hold power over the stars. NASA scientists came forth with the information that there are actually 13 zodiac symbols, rather than 12. The ‘new’ zodiac, Ophiuchus, sits nestled in the winter months. Some of you may be freaking out right now, but this (completely fake) astrologer is here to tell you to chill out. Ophiuchus has been around for centuries! Constellations don’t just randomly appear in the Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 4.14.23 PMsky, and not all constellations are zodiac symbols. When Babylonians were creating the zodiac calendar, they decided to pick 12 of the constellations that the sun passed through to represent the 12 different parts of the zodiac. Ophiuchus was always there, the Babylonians just didn’t want it in their calendar. As NASA pointed out on their Tumblr page: they’re in the business of studying astronomy, not astrology. So, take a deep breath, you don’t have to update your Tinder bio just yet.

Aries 3/21-4/19
Yes, that professor doesn’t like you. No, another class won’t fit with your schedule. It’s time to buckle up and face that this year might just not be your year.

Taurus 4/20-5/20
You most definitely need more office supplies. If you can’t fully stock an Office Depot, how do you expect to survive this year?

Gemini 5/21-6/20
That person you’ve been crushing on all week? Just ask them out. New school year, new beginnings. (Maybe some new rejection.)

Cancer 6/21-7/22
The next bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos you buy will be completely empty. Inhale that Cheeto-flavored air, Cancer. It very well may be the highlight of your week.

Leo 7/23-8/22
Your week is looking bright, Leo. On Friday morning you will be gifted with one and a half Pumpkin Spice Lattes. The missing half was consumed by a ravenous squirrel.

Virgo 8/23-9/22
You’re going to have a wild weekend, Virgo. I’m talkin’ tequila, board games, and making homemade bath bombs. Go crazy.

Libra 9/23-10/22
Double check your bank account, Libra. I have a strong suspicion that someone is going to take your credit card and go crazy at Michaels. It’s almost Halloween; identity thieves need decorations, too.

Scorpio 10/23-11/21
Scorpio, this week would be a good time to start talking to your plants. We had a meeting last night and the succulents are considering going on a strike. I don’t know the logistics.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21
Gear up, it is your week in PokemonGO. You’re about to hardcore catch ‘em all. I see a Snorlax in your future, so start hunting.

Capricorn 12/22-1/19
The stars are telling me that there’s only 13 weeks left until Christmas. If I were you, I’d start reminding people about your birthday as soon as possible.

Aquarius 1/20-2/18
It’s kind of ironic that you don’t like seafood.

Pisces 2/19-3/20
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you definitely left your stove on this morning.


I’m here to predict the future for all you graduating students. And for those of you who aren’t graduating, please reference back to this in the six or so years it will take you to complete your undergrad.

Aries 3/21-4/19
You will be the proud owner of five Taco Bells, Aries. Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 4.14.23 PMWhy not six? Nobody ever said you were an overachiever.

Taurus 4/20-5/20
Every day for the rest of your life you will consume 11 Choco Taco’s. This has nothing to do with what you will be doing for work, but I just wanted to let you know that you will be living the exact life you always dreamed of.

Gemini 5/21-6/20
I checked with the stars and not one single Gemini is graduating. There aren’t even any Gemini that go to this school. So if you’re reading this, “Gemini,” you’re a faker, and you’re tacky and I hate you.

Cancer 6/21-7/22
Did you know that it’s actually someone’s job to test video games? Wouldn’t that be the dream, Cancer? Well, that’s not going to be your job. Sorry.

Leo 7/23-8/22
I’m looking way into the future for you, Leo, like ten years’ time. What’s to come? Well, hmm, how do I break the news to you? You’ll be in jail. Yup, that’s probably the only way I can say that sentence.

Virgo 8/23-9/22
Virgo, you will get into law school. Congrats. Will you get a job after that? I don’t know, do you think I know everything?

Libra 9/23-10/22
Somewhere between your vegan Kashi binge and your hunt for the perfect partner for your hairless cat, you’ll stumble into a trendy start up and they’ll offer you a job.

Scorpio 10/23-11/21
November 1, 2031, and I’m not telling you what this date means, but I will tell you that it involves some juicy news.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21
Well, Sagittarius, I see you entering a job that I am completely jealous of. Is it an movie star? A CEO? Nope, nope. You’ll be involved in testing new brands of wine. You don’t even have to do anything besides drink it and say if it’s good or not.

Capricorn 12/22-1/19
You will rise up and become president of all the Salt Queens and all the Trash kids of this fine world.

Aquarius 1/20-2/18
You forgot about a course. Totally not graduating.

Pisces 2/19-3/20
You will be graced with the job of wiping the sweat off of Chris Hemsworth’s face in between takes of him filming the next “Thor” or “Avengers” or whatever those movies are that he does.

Student chooses actual “arm and a leg” option for payment of student loans

By: Katrina Penaflor
Managing Editor

Many students who are graduating at the end of this term are faced with the fact that they have a large amount of student loans to take care of after graduation.

This debt, which for some students is in the tens of thousands of dollars, is appearing to be nearly impossible to pay off.

After looking closer at the variety of payment options, and weighing their severity, one student, Gary Traynor, has decided to go for the actual “arm and a leg” option.

“I always thought that was just a saying, you know, a phrase people would use to give emphasis to how much something cost them, but then I really started considering if this was the better option,” Traynor said.

“I’m definitely sticking with my decision. I thought about it, and do I really want to be paying off loans for the next thirty years? Nah, man, just take my arm and leg, you debt-collecting savages.”

The man who issued Traynor his loans, Quentin Wesley, who was asked about the taboo nature of this payment option.

“Well, initially this was only ever listed as a joke. An intern added it in and everyone in the office laughed about it. I never thought anyone would actually choose it,” Wesley said.

He went on to comment, “But we’re in the business of making money, and surprisingly there is a lot of money in the arm and leg business, so we aren’t writing this off as a loss.”

Wesley was then asked if he was worried about the illegal nature of this form of payment. He quickly started to sweat and said, “I hadn’t really thought about it,” before he added, “can you actually keep me anonymous in this article?”
To which I quickly replied, “No.”

Contact the author at or on Twitter @JournalKatrina

Dasani to rename themselves “America’s Best Tap Water” until November election

By: Katrina Penaflor
Managing Editor

The next company to show their support for the upcoming election is none other than Dasani, you know, the bottled water brand you buy because it’s cheaper than Smart Water.

But consumers will no longer find “Dasani” on the labels for the next few months. Instead the company is choosing to print “America’s Best Tap Water” to show their support for our fine country.

Franklin O’Brian, a brand spokesman for Dasani, issued a statement about the new name.

“When you think of America, you think of two things. First is the word ‘America’ and second is ‘Dasani.’ We want our company to reflect that, hence the temporary name change,” O’Brian said.

Although it is completely arguable that Americans have never once thought of Dasani when thinking about their country, it can be noted that a major company showing their support for the presidential race is a unique form of marketing.

O’Brian continued with his statement and added, “We really felt like Dasani fit the theme of the election this year, and our rebranding supports that. Our newly labeled ‘America’s Best Tap Water’ is all about not totally being the best water for you, but you’ll drink it anyway because it’s your only option.”

When asked if he thought having “tap water” as part of the new name would deter people from purchasing their product, O’Brian quickly responded with “I don’t think so, no. People will honestly purchase anything with ‘America’ written on it.”

He continued, “Our sales have skyrocketed in the last week that we’ve been on shelves, and all we did was place a sticker over our new labels. We didn’t even bother to reprint.”

To see if what O’Brian was saying was actually true, I stopped by a local Target and found a woman who was purchasing the new America’s Best Tap Water.

I asked why she favored this brand over something of the same price, like Aquafina. She said, “I don’t want people to think I’m un-American. Plus I’m in charge of bringing drinks to my PTA meeting. This will make all the moms look bad who showed up with off-brand bottled water that doesn’t have ‘America’ written on it.”

Contact the author at or on Twitter @JournalKatrina