Mount Hood

Humor: The eternal debate: do cats have elbows or knees?

Chrys Weedon | Entertainment Editor


Cats are quadrupeds, meaning they walk on all four limbs. Some mistaken people would argue that because they have four legs, cats have four knees. This, however, is not an anatomic fact.

Bridget Parker, a senior studying biology with an zoology emphasis and an intern at Wildlife Safari specializing in big cats, knows that cats have elbows.

“Cats have two sets of joints in their forelimbs: an ankle and an elbow. Their ankle is just above their toes and are fairly similar to human wrists. The second joint is their elbow and is located about midway up their forelimb,” said Parker.

A more in-depth look that the anatomy of feline limbs — discussed on — shows that they have two different types of joints: hinge joints and condylar joints. Hinge joints are like human elbows and ankles, and condylar joints are similar to human knees. Cat’s elbow and knee joints are located further up on their limbs than human limbs. Felines have a elbow-like hinge joint on each front limb and a condylar knee-like joint on each back limb. This means that a cat has two elbows and two knees. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Greg Martinez even acknowledges that cats have elbows in his videos on YouTube.

Miseducated people may also say that since the front limbs bend in the same direction as the back limbs, they must all be the same kind of joint. These people are mistaken. What looks like the knee on the lower hind limbs of a feline are actually the tops of their elongated feet. Their actual knees are located closer to the hips. Therefore, the hind leg knee joint bends a different way than the front limb elbow joint.

Just because cats have four legs does not automatically mean that they have four knees — this would mean that each limb had the same kind of joint. This is simply and scientifically not true. Furthermore, cats have patellas, or kneecaps, on their hind legs. They do not have kneecaps on their front legs. This clearly proves that cats have two elbows and two knees.

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Ashlynn Norton | Photo Editor


When you look at a cat, a lot of things come to mind. Such as “ball of anger”, “pure evil”, and “the furry animal that is cute, but could shred you to pieces” — just to name a few. There are many things about them that are odd. Cats could even have their own conspiracy theories centered around them because everything related to them is questionable.

It wasn’t long ago when I came to the profound conclusion that cats in fact don’t have elbows, and only have knees. When you watch a cat walk, their legs all bend in the same direction. If you look at a human, their knees and elbows bend in different directions. So who is to say that cats have both knees and elbows?

In my scientific research and opinion (from watching my cat) feline creatures only have knees. I mean, who just looks at a cat and says, “Yeah, that animal has elbows”? When I look at a cat, their appendages all appear to be knees. If you think of a knee as a weight bearing joint, then that proves my point of cats only having knees, instead of having both elbows and knees. People don’t call cat appendages “arms”, they’re called legs, and legs have knees. Therefore, again, CATS ONLY HAVE KNEES. It’s like arguing about cereal being a soup, or whether or not Lighting McQueen has car insurance or life insurance.

People who like to flex their researching skills would quote a person who is studying biology, or even veterinarians who post on YouTube. They would use quotes from these people who claim that cats have elbows, clearly spreading FALSE INFORMATION. We all know that false news is the worst.

It makes no sense, but also complete sense at the same time. I just have this deep gut feeling from being a “cat expert” (I have three cats, so I can give myself that title) that cats only have knees. You wouldn’t question a mathematician when they say that one plus one equals two. So why would you question me, the cat expert?

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Illustrations by Rachel Hetzel

This week in totally made up horoscopes

The Signs as cartoon characters

Aries: stewie griffin

Taurus: kenny mccormick

Gemini: the street rat known as Aladdin

Cancer: Edd aka double D

Leo: Simba 

Virgo: mordecai regular show

Libra: porky pig 

Scorpio: arnold perlstein (look it up)

Sagittarius: bojack horseman 

Capricorn: Dipper Pines because we’re so neurotic

Aquarius: oswald the octopus

Pisces: silvermist

This week in completely made up horoscopes

The signs if they were bugs:

Aries: a large wet Western worm

Taurus: dragonfly

Gemini: firefly in a jar

Cancer: Semi-aggressive mantis staring into your soul, test me… 

Leo: C–ty little moth

Virgo: Honey bee

Libra: Pink sticky note with eight googly eyes on it

Scorpio: Atlas Moth due to their 13” wingspan, duh

Sagittarius: Homosexual Cicada

Capricorn: That one worm in Brazil that crawls up urethras

Aquarius: WOU’s trash squirells 

Pisces: Morpho butterfly like the dude from The Matrix  

This week in entirely made up horoscopes

The signs watch a horror movie

Aries: imagining themselves as the final girl

Taurus: ‘This is so dumb’

Gemini: laughing at the “scary” parts

Cancer: passed out after the first 5 minutes 

Leo: telling everyone they could survive each scenario

Virgo: attracted to the villain

Libra: disgusted by the gore but overall unfazed

Scorpio: oddly fascinated (don’t question it)

Sagittarius: closed my eyes during “Jurassic Park”

Capricorn: complaining about all the inaccuracies in the gore

Aquarius: unbothered- bring them something scarier

Pisces: thinking of their serial killer name  

This week in completely made up horoscopes

What are the signs bringing to the picnic?

Aries: cream cheese and cucumber finger sandwiches 🙂

Taurus: the ‘special’ brownies.

Gemini: nothing but a fighting spirit against pollen

Cancer: extra strong allergy meds 

Leo: bringing the char-cootcherie board

Virgo: A whole gallon of kombucha 

Libra: The most elaborate and beautiful charcuterie board ever created (you can’t eat it unless they take pictures of it first)

Scorpio: your mother.

Sagittarius: strawberry lemonade and the Advil

Capricorn: enough caffeine to kill a small horse

Aquarius: all the chips

Pisces: wine

This week in completely made up horoscopes

The signs during Spring break:


Taurus: Doing nothing but cooking, sleeping and recovering 

Gemini: already in hot girl summer gear

Cancer: Thrifting a whole new wardrobe 

Leo: Making friends with everyone at the beach

Virgo: passive aggressive spring cleaning

Libra: aggressive spring cleaning

Scorpio: cry.

Sagittarius: taking their free time out on others 🙂

Capricorn: trying to be an arsonist but isn’t succeeding

Aquarius: sleep.

Pisces: feet in the sand with a drink in each hand 

This week in entirely made up horoscopes

The signs go on a date…

Aries: silently takes notes to debrief with the besties later

Taurus: kum n go 

Gemini: immediately exposes all of their red flags

Cancer: Falls in love after being shown the absolute bare minimum

Leo: has a mental breakdown and goes home.

Virgo: Canceled last minute, berates themselves for making plans on a sacred friday evening

Libra: goes way over the top and overwhelms their date

Scorpio: Oh the date went well? Time to rent the U-Haul

Sagittarius: Date so crazy our first stop was couple’s counseling

Capricorn: *stuffs breadsticks into pockets*

Aquarius: doesn’t make it through the door

Pisces: I’m way overdressed for hotdogs in the park