Mount Hood

Sunshine sugar cookie

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

Need an innovative spring dessert to brighten one’s day? These sunshine sugar cookies are great to bring to a dinner party or to snack on throughout the week. With just a few steps, low cost ingredients and a bit of effort, one will be tasting citrusy sunshine in no time. 


Start to finish: 35 minutes

Yields: 14 cookies

Homemade or packaged sugar cookie dough 

¼ cup all-purpose flour

½ lemon

1 key lime

½ blood orange

½ orange

1 cup powdered sugar

Start by preheating the oven to 350℉. On a cutting board, sprinkle the majority of the flour. With the rest of the flour, dust a rolling pin. Roll out the cookie dough until it is a fourth of an inch thick. Using drinking glasses as a cookie cutter, create 14-16 round cookies. If one has flower or sunshine shaped cookie cutters, this is a great time to put them to use. Place shaped cookies onto a parchment lined baking sheet, then put into the oven. Cook as instructed on packaging. Once the cookies are done, let them cool. While the cookies are cooling, divide the powdered sugar into four small bowls. With a small grater, grate a teaspoon of zest from each fruit, set aside separately. In each bowl squeeze the desired amount of juice from each fruit to the assigned bowl. Keep in mind that the more juice is in the sugar, the more runny the icing will be. When the icings are to one’s liking, drizzle or smear icing on each cookie. Sprinkle the zest on top of the cookies assigned to each fruit. 

If one is in a time crunch, purchase cooked sugar cookies. One can also choose to go with one citrus fruit for the icing and garnish instead of four. 

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Spring into spring break

Written by: Jude Bokovoy 

Spring break is rapidly approaching. Some students have been awaiting it for months with a full itinerary of what they want to get accomplished over the week. Others are just looking forward to having a break from classes. No matter what category one falls in, here are a few ideas of what one could do during their break depending on their location and mood. 

Hometown spring break: Everyone has different feelings towards their hometown. Here are a few things to do to bring back some memories and make the most of one’s break. 

Monday — Unwind at one’s favorite coffee shop and read a good book.

Tuesday — Spend time with a family member doing a nostalgic activity.

Wednesday — Have a picnic at a lookout or park.

Thursday — Window shop through downtown to see what’s new.

Friday — Catch up with family members.

Saturday — Do an activity that one is unable to regularly do,  such as skiing or windsurfing.

Sunday — Take a drive through town to see what has changed and what has stayed the same.

Lowkey spring break: This is for those who want to spend their break taking a break. 

Monday — Call a loved one. 

Tuesday — Pack a picnic to take to a local park. 

Wednesday — Go out to breakfast with a friend. 

Thursday — Watch one’s favorite movie.

Friday — Cook oneself a nice dinner. 

Saturday — Have a self care day.

Sunday — Create a mood board.

Reset spring break: This schedule is for those who need to reset their atmosphere and headspace.

Monday — Put on a face mask, paint one’s nails and take a bubble bath.

Tuesday — Go to the library or a bookstore to find a book to read throughout the break.

Wednesday — Clean one’s space.

Thursday — Visit a coffee shop to read and sip on a delicious drink.

Friday — Bake muffins to have for breakfast.

Saturday — Paint something to hang up in one’s living space.

Sunday — Deep clean one’s place to take on spring term fully reset.

Adventurous spring break: This is for people who live around the Monmouth area that are itching to go out and explore with a companion. 

Monday — Spend the day in Lincoln City.

Tuesday — Go to an aquarium.

Wednesday — Explore the outskirts of Portland. 

Thursday — Go on a hike.

Friday — Watch the sunset at Pacific City.

Saturday — Go to the Portland or Corvallis Saturday market.

Sunday — Walk around a museum.

Vacation spring break: Some people don’t have their vacations all planned out yet, use these suggestions for some inspiration.

Monday — Try a new restaurant.

Tuesday — Look up places to explore throughout one’s stay. 

Wednesday — Take a long peaceful walk at sunrise or sunset.

Thursday — See what downtown has to offer.

Friday — Spend some time with the people one came with. 

Saturday — Rent a bike or scooter to zip around the area.

Sunday — Make a Tik Tok to commemorate one’s vacation. 

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Disney as adults

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

Everyone has a different level of appreciation for Disneyland. Some couldn’t care less about it, others are full blown “Disney adults.” This article is for those who like the idea of Disneyland and are curious about what there is to do after the childhood glamor wears off. 

One’s company — Who one decides to go with can affect what one ends up doing throughout their time at Disneyland. For instance, if one is with family, one should do things that appeal to a variety of ages and interests. The size of one’s party comes into play when getting into rides with limited seating.  Recently, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to go to Disneyland with the entire WOU cheerleading team. We were able to split off into groups and mine had eight people. This way we were able to take up entire roller coaster carriages and carts for bigger rides. This also allowed us to break into smaller groups if our interests differed at certain parts of the day. 

Rides — The only “kiddie” ride I recommend going on is “Mad Tea Party” — commonly known as the “Tea Cups.” The ride is completely outdoors, follows the theme of “Alice in Wonderland” and is the perfect place to take pictures. Other than that, the fast rides are the way to go. We started out our journey with Space Mountain, the infamous roller coaster in the dark. Another ride one cannot miss is Matterhorn Bobsleds. An angry yeti follows as one’s bobsled weaves in and out of the mountain, ready to give a jump scare. The bumpy ride filled with waterfalls, sharp turns and loud noises will give participants a smile and whiplash. Lastly, my favorite ride —that we were able to go on twice— was “Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.” The realistic characters, enthusiastic employees and interactiveness left me, as a non Star Wars fan, in awe. This ride will keep one guessing as they go from location to location. I do want to keep this one a secret for those who haven’t had the chance to attend. Just know that the bigger the party the better because taking up a cart with one’s friends is much more fun than sitting with strangers on this thrilling ride. 

Food — When spending the day walking around, standing in lines and having a fluctuating heart rate from thrilling rides, it’s good to be honest with one’s group when one is hungry. Chances are  there’s more than one person who needs a meal. Disney is known for their unique snacks and desserts which are great to eat, just don’t forget to have a full meal. Being hungry and not getting a balanced meal can affect one’s mood in “the happiest place on earth.” I do have to say, my favorite food item was actually during our second day in Downtown Disney. A little stand called Blue Ribbon Corn Dogs sells a creative spin on the classic. Another cheerleader and I got pickle corn dogs. It was a hotdog inside of a pickle, battered, dusted with panko, fried and served with creamy peanut butter. It sounds crazy, trust me it was, but it was actually pretty good. All the other cheerleaders that thought we were weird for getting them turned out to like them as well. They were huge, if one ends up getting one, keep in mind that it could feed up to three people as a snack. 

Overall Disneyland is a great place to go on rides, eat interesting food and take in the scenery. No matter one’s age, there will always be something to do — just try to have it thought out before entering the park. 

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Be uncomfortable; chase ones dreams

Written by: Dakota Gange

“Happiness can’t be bought.” The saying echoes and bounces off the walls of life, circling social media and often received in the form of advice from friends and family. The sentiment is supposed to be common knowledge, but why do so many of us stay in situations where we are unsatisfied?

For me, it was prioritizing financial security that kept me from striving to achieve my dreams. Financial stability was such a strong force that gave me comfortability and peace of mind. Knowing I could eat and pay the bills helped me sleep better at night. Being a restaurant manager is a stimulating career. It’s meticulous but has enough leniency for one to have a blast, all the while constantly being around others. It just wasn’t what I wanted to do in the long-term.

It can be a tangled and confusing mess to be stuck between stability and dreams. For those out there caught in the middle, perhaps it will bring some comfort knowing that I traded my comfortable decade-long, salaried career to chase my dreams through education without a stable paycheck.

Now I am reaching the summit of the mountain. I’m only 29, but these past few years have been filled with a chest full of treasured lessons.

For ten years now, I’ve been building my skills and career in the customer service industry — quickly leading to a comfortable fiscal situation. I wasn’t unhappy per se, I had a great time, but it just wasn’t that exact puzzle piece I was looking for. I always knew it wasn’t, but I still went to work every day and caught myself thinking, “Am I really going to do this for the rest of my life? I can’t do this for 80 percent of my life.” 

As comfortable as I was, the job was not without its share of unfulfillment. I had always wanted to go back to school, but it always turned into, “Okay, next fall.”  

Then the pandemic hit in March 2020, and my life was forcefully shaken up. I was laid off from my salaried position, which was exactly the push I needed. 

So I signed up for classes and immediately fell into a position of writing. Swiftly, I began taking journalism classes and writing for the school newspaper at Linn Benton, which quickly turned into a year of being the student voice editor, followed by a year of being the editor in chief. 

Here I led my Linn Benton team to place fifth in best general selection in the Associated Collegiate Press 2022 Nationals, judged by 2020 Pulitzer Prize winner Rick Green, followed by 21 first, second and third place Oregon National Press Association awards in best photos, best news and feature writing, best graphics, best review and more. 

Journalism and education led me to achieve things I never thought of. 

After being laid off for several months, I returned to work part-time. Between being editor in chief and managing The Old Spaghetti Factory part-time, it was enough to maintain financial stability.

However, when I got a call from my boss, asking me to return full-time, it was tempting to go back to that livable $60,000 salary and vacation pay. I was faced with the choice of my career or my education. I had 48 hours to decide, but I knew in a flutter of a heartbeat that I was never going back to solely managing restaurants.  

We are meant to do so much more than just pay the bills. All too often do I hear stories of unhappiness, oftentimes due to working jobs we don’t love. 

Here I am, a student, first-time mother of a toddler, extremely, fiscally uncomfortable and I couldn’t be more content. 

My happiness is found in chasing my dreams through education and what comes with that is all worth it. 

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Beating the “0” dds

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

To WOU cheerleading’s knowledge, we have never competed at a competition, let alone on a national level. As someone who did competitive cheerleading throughout high school, I was content with the fact that my entire cheer career at Western would be supporting other teams in their sports. I never believed WOU cheerleading would have the chance to compete.

As a second-year cheer captain and senior, I am proud to tell the story of the WOU cheerleading team competing for the very first time from my perspective.

Although competing at nationals was announced at football season tryouts in May 2022, the team didn’t have the official word from our coaches until December, less than two months before the competition. It was frustrating to know that the teams we would be competing against would be practicing their routines throughout the summer, while being told that there was a 65% chance we would go. Then, out of the blue, Emilie Sass, a WOU cheerleading alumni from the season prior, completely took over all of the necessary planning to go to nationals as a managing coach. 

We had a lot of catching up to do. Firstly, we lost seven extremely valuable members of the team due to the “Will they or won’t they?” of the competition and unknown time commitment. 

The next obstacle was winter break. All of our first-years and other team members living in the dorms didn’t have the time or resources to stay over the break to practice. This led to us reassembling the team on Jan. 9, with only fourteen practices before nationals with doubleheader basketball games to cheer at nearly each week, some twice a week. Because of this, we had a lot of last minute practices and learned our second routine in only three weeks. 

On the week of nationals, one of our cheerleaders got concussed. Thus, we ended up completely reworking our band chant routine, changing the pyramid entirely, adding in an alternate and putting people in stunts that weren’t included prior. We ran through the new version of the routine with stunts three times before warm ups at nationals. 

Nationals was a blur. I woke up to a phone call from my mom saying that she surprised me by coming down to watch us perform. Getting down to the lobby, it all set in that this was the very last day that I was going to be a cheerleader, and my mom was able to experience it with me. I cried, in full make up and uniform. The team then endured walking 20 minutes in the pouring rain to the Anaheim convention center. A few teammates and I decided to spend a few dollars on Ubers. I can confidently say that I do not regret that decision. 

Anxiety was high when getting ready for warm ups. Since this was Western’s first time investing in our team to compete, the pressure to do well was daunting. Coach Sass gave us all an amazing pep talk, but we needed a bit more. I got out of my comfort zone and asked if it was okay if I prayed for the team. As we were seated in a circle, we held hands and I prayed. It was very moving and such a special moment. The prayer brought peace and watery eyes to the teammates that needed it most. 

Alas, the peptalk and prayer were not enough. Warm ups did not go well. Our pyramid was shaky, someone got hurt, formations were off and we were stressed. 

The good vibes were palpable while running onto the mat, complete with lights shining and a crowd ready to yell. Adrenaline completely took over my body and, as soon as I knew it, we were running off the mats to watch how we did on a television backstage. We were astonished. Not only was this our first time seeing our altered routine, but we didn’t have any mistakes. We hit “zero;” no deductions whatsoever. An hour later, we were up to perform our fight song routine. Now that we felt confident, we practiced once and hit the mat. Right after finishing our routine I rallied with a few kicks and then it was over. I felt emotional running off the mats and pulled myself together to watch our performance to see we hit zero once again. 

After our routines, we got our score sheets back to see that we scored in the 80’s for both of our routines. Scoring is similar to letter grades in school. It was hard to tell if a B was good or if   everyone who placed got an A or A+. 

Coming into nationals hoping not to come in dead last, placing was the last thing on our minds, but now it seemed tangible. When the time came, each college in our categories sat in clumps all over the mats. First to be announced was the fight song; the announcer read that there was a tie for fifth place, we held our breath wishing and praying to hear our name. Alas, Western Oregon wasn’t announced, though we clapped for the teams who received their trophies. On the other hand, Washington State cheer was sitting right next to us. When they received second place they frowned. Throughout the rest of the ceremony, their lack of sportsmanship really showed. This filled me with appreciation to be on a team that is grateful to be there and exemplifies good sportsmanship. 

That was it. My cheerleading career was over. I felt so much gratitude to be able to be a part of history, but it felt a little incomplete. 

When we received the rankings, we found out that we placed 7th for band chant and that we beat Portland State University by placing 8th in fight song. That felt good. PSU has such an amazing cheerleading program which led them to win band chant this year and place three times last year. Losing to them at an away football game that we cheered at, made placing over this division one school surreal. 

The team has much to be proud of. We hit zero. We did the best we could with the routines we were given. We placed top ten in both categories competing alongside huge division one schools full of male athletes who spent their whole season preparing for this moment. 

This trip was only possible with support from the Western community. Things can only get better for the WOU cheer team from here. 

To register for tryouts, follow @woucheerleading to find the link and more information.

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Howlin’ about Bagels

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

Who doesn’t enjoy a good bagel? The staff at the Western Howl got together to create a curated list of their favorite recipes. Scan through the list below to find inspiration for one’s next bagel for any time of the day. 


Start to finish: 3 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

1 everything bagel

3 tablespoons cream cheese

Toast the bagel. Once the bagel is toasted to one’s liking, spread cream cheese on both halves and enjoy.


Start to finish: 3 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

1 asiago bagel

3 tablespoons cream cheese

Start by toasting the bagel. Once the bagel is toasted to one’s liking, spread cream cheese on each  side and enjoy.


Start to finish: 7 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

1 jalapeno cheddar bagel

3 tablespoons cream cheese

1 egg

2 slices of bacon

Start by cooking the bacon in a skillet over medium heat and toast the bagel. While the bagel is toasting, fry an egg over medium heat. Spread cream cheese on both sides of the bagel. Add the fried egg and cooked bacon. 


Start to finish: 12 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

½ plain bagel

2 slices bacon

1 egg

3 slices of brie cheese from a mini wheel

2 tablespoons raspberry jam

Start by cooking the bacon in a skillet over medium heat. While the bagel is toasting, cook one egg sunny side up with salt and pepper. After three minutes pop the yolk, place the brie over top then cover with a lid. By doing this the egg will be runny, but not overwhelmingly so, and the brie will be warm and creamy. Spread jam on the bagel then place the cooked bacon followed by  egg and cheese over top. 


Start to finish: 12 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

1 plain bagel

½ medium avocado

2 slices of bacon

1 pinch of arugula

2 slices of tomato

Start by cooking the bacon in a skillet over medium heat, then toast the bagel. Once the bagel is toasted, spread the avocado evenly over both halves of the bagel. Add the tomato slices, cooked bacon and arugula in between the bagel to create a sandwich. 


Start to finish: 10 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

1 asiago bagel

2 slices of swiss cheese

1 slice of bacon

1 egg


Fry the bacon over medium-low heat until crispy. In a separate skillet, fry an egg over medium heat. Toast the bagel. Once the bagel is toasted, spread a dollop of sriracha on the sliced halves of the asiago bagel. Combine the swiss cheese, egg and bacon with the asiago bagel for a perfect breakfast sandwich. 


Start to finish: 3 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

1 asiago bagel

3 tablespoons whipped cream cheese

4 slices of salami

2 slices of turkey

½ an avocado, mashed

1 slice of an heirloom tomato 

Pinch of salt

Start by toasting the bagel. Once the bagel is toasted, spread cream cheese on one half of the bagel, spread mashed avocado on the other half. On top of the side with cream cheese, add salami, turkey and tomato. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the avocado and sandwich the bagel together.


Start to finish: 5 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

1 asiago cheese bagel

2 tablespoons mayonnaise

2 teaspoons yellow mustard

3 slices of turkey

5 sliced banana peppers

Start by toasting the bagel. Once the bagel is toasted, spread mayonnaise and mustard on both halves. Place the turkey then banana peppers in between the bagel, creating a sandwich. 


Start to finish: 5 minutes

Yields: one serving

1 plain bagel

4 tablespoons marinara sauce (or pizza sauce of choice)

2 pinches of mozzarella cheese

Start by spreading the sauce over both halves of the bagel. Add cheese over top, then place in an air fryer at 350℉. Once the cheese is melted and the bagel is toasted, plate and add any additional toppings or seasonings one would on an ordinary pizza.


Start to finish: 3 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

1 Cinnamon raisin bagel

2 tablespoons nutella 

2 tablespoons mini chocolate chips

4 tablespoons plain greek yogurt

Start by toasting the bagel. Once the bagel is toasted, put a thin layer of nutella on both halves. Top with chocolate chips and serve with yogurt for dipping.

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Mealtime should be spent together

Written by: Nicholas Sarysz

Be it at a dining hall, or one’s own dining room, dinnertime routines vary drastically for everyone. While eating at a dining hall every evening is a unique situation, those that live with friends or family off campus are more likely to have a set routine, though that is not always the case. Those that do have family or friends that they live with should consider carving out time to eat with one another.

The ritual of having dinner together with family and friends has persisted for many years. With our hectic modern lifestyles, it can be easy to neglect this significant ritual, but there are a number of advantages to sharing a meal with friends or family for our mental, emotional and physical health.

A meal together with loved ones might be a chance for deep dialogue and greater communication. It provides a space for everyone to express their opinions and experiences, listen to one another and learn from one another while eating together. Over a meal, individuals can increase their understanding of one another and develop our bonds with each other, fostering a sense of connection and community that can have a positive impact long after the meal is finished.

Togetherness over dinner can also promote healthy eating practices. When we eat by ourselves, we could be more likely to select convenient food or eat without paying attention to the foods or portions we consume. In contrast, Yet,  eating with others can inspire and hold people accountable for their food choices. Sharing a meal with others can also motivate us to adopt mindful eating practices, such as slowing down and savoring each bite.

After a stressful day, sharing a meal with people can also help us relax and reduce stress. We can be more in the present and concentrate on appreciating the company of those around us when we take a break from devices and other distractions.

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