Mount Hood

WOU continues campus-wide mask mandate for fall term

All the details about what is required to maintain the health and safety of all Western students

Mikayla Coleman | News Editor

Going into fall term during the seemingly endless years of the COVID-19 pandemic leaves many Western students and faculty feeling uneasy. According to the Oregon Health Authority, as of Sept. 2021, Oregon alone has reached 318,914 cases and accumulated 3,661 deaths due to the spread of COVID-19. Trying to navigate the rules and regulations for in person learning proves to be daunting and confusing — so here is an in-depth guide for Western students returning to campus this fall.

Sophomore social science major Lindie Larson and sophomore forensic chemistry major Amity Deters follow mask mandates while studying at Hamersly Library.

Where are masks required? Briefly over the 2021 summer break, fully vaccinated students were able to enjoy Western facilities maskless. However, since the development of the delta variant took the world by storm in July, masks have made a valiant return for the safety of everyone on campus. 

All vaccinated and unvaccinated employees, guests, vendors and students must wear a mask on campus when indoors. Masks are required outside when social distance cannot be maintained. 

If students have a disability that prevents them from wearing a face covering, reach out to the Office of Disability Services. 

Something new from the 2020-21 school year is that the campus is open to visitors. Said visitors must adhere to the same rules as students and staff members by wearing a mask when inside and outside. In person tours for prospective students are available by appointment only. 

Are vaccines required? Proof of COVID vaccination is required for all students and employees on campus unless they are able to receive an exemption through the university. The exemption is not limited to just medical reasons — religious or philosophical reasons for being unvaccinated are also being taken into consideration. 

Social distancing guidelines are posted outside the Werner University Center.

What do living situations look like? Living on campus and using high contact shared spaces have caused concern among students. Isolation that has been so heavily recommended throughout the pandemic is nearly impossible to achieve in a dormitory setting. Despite this, first-year students are still required to live on campus as they have been in past years. 

Working through the challenges that come with it, Western has put its best foot forward while preparing for students’ return. Student housing has made an effort to create more single dorm options. Students in residence halls are required to wear masks when not directly inside their assigned room. The university will also provide separate housing for COVID quarantine as needed. 

For students that have a meal plan, the Valsetz Dining Hall will be open with seating arranged for social distancing. Other retail dining options, such as Caffè Allegro, will be open with regular business hours. 

Caffé Allegro encourages social distancing protocols via venti cups.

What do the classroom situations look like? Western offers a wide range of flexible classroom environments to fit different students’ needs including in person, hybrid, online synchronous and online asynchronous courses. 

Western will be implementing contact tracing protocols for those that choose to attend in person classes. If a student participating in an in person class tests positive, all students also taking that course will be notified. 

What do extracurricular activities look like? In person activities such as sports events will be offered in order to provide the Western experience as long as it is deemed safe to do so. 

Creative arts programs expect to be back with concerts, plays, dance productions and art exhibits. Student Engagement plans to have a variety of in person activities to participate in, including clubs, activities and organizations. 

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Western welcomes incoming students during New Student Week 2021

New Student Week continues to acclimate, inform and connect students

Mikayla Coleman | News Editor

Sept. 19 marked the start of Western’s annual New Student Week. While first-years said a tearful goodbye to their pre-college life, the party was just getting started. 

This year’s New Student Week was one different from any other; most years before, the event was primarily for first-years learning the ins and outs of campus life. However, being left to deal with midpandemic reparations, many nontraditional students that have not had their own in person New Student Week found themselves in need of the welcome and acclamation period that it provides going into the 2021-22 school year. 

New Student Week included a variety of different activities, seminars, speakers and social events to make the transition to campus run as smoothly as possible. 

PLUS team co-coordinator and senior ASL English Interpreting major Cheyanne Bumgardner spoke out on how the importance of New Student Week has only increased with the times.

“Coming to college is a huge transition for everyone no matter what their background is or what their story is,” said Bumgardner. “It can be intimidating to come to a new place that’s so unfamiliar.” 

Many students — first-years and others alike — have faced anxiety about reconnecting with the public in person.

“Even for the leadership staff and upperclassmen, being back and seeing people — it’s a huge social adjustment,” Bumgardner said. “We’ve been doing larger events in the gym and out on the turf field where this is the first time I’ve seen a couple hundred people together in almost two years.” 

Safety remained a big focus during the week’s festivities: masks and extra sanitation were required at all New Student Week functions. “We are hoping that this is going to help people remember what that used to be like. We can still be successful and have fun with masks.” Bumgardner said. 

Along with the logistical changes due to COVID-19, there were some new creative additions to the line up this year, including a four hour roller rink held in the Pacific Room. There were also different shows and acts outsourced by the PLUS team including Joseph Green, a diversity speaker, followed by acts from a comedian and magician. 

Some tried and true traditions also made their appearance this year, such as the “W” photo taken in the gymnasium, signing of the sidewalk and New Student Sunrise. 

“The incoming students do a sunrise and the night before their commencement they do a sunset,” said Bumgardner. “It’s like a beginning and an end.” 

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WOU internal scholarships face $1.5 million “right-sizing”

Area heads receive emails announcing smaller budget for Fee Remissions next year

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Article 15 and staff layoffs were only among the first areas to undergo what Western administration has coined “right-sizing” the university.

Going into the upcoming school year, Student Affairs and Financial Aid have finalized a list of Western specific scholarships known as “Fee Remissions” to be cut, totalling an estimated $1.5 million, according to a March 31 email sent to English professor and Honors Department Director Dr. Gavin Keulks.

According to Financial Aid’s website, the Fee Remissions budget is university funds designated by Western to help students pay for tuition and educational fees. The site lists educational fees including mandatory fees ⏤ Incidental fee, Building fee, Online Course fee, Rec Center building fee, Student Health building fee and Health Services fee ⏤ and course fees that vary by class.

“(The) University is reducing the Remission budget for next year, largely because of fewer students enrolled at (Western),” said Vice President of Student Affairs Gary Dukes. “Even though enrollment has been decreasing over the last few years, the Remissions budget has been increasing. This (reduction) is largely to bring the Remission budget back in line with our current enrollment.”

At the time this article was written, the Western Howl had not been sent a full comprehensive list of all scholarships that are undergoing these changes, but on May 14, the Howl was sent a list of 17 areas. This list did not include the Honors Department scholarship; however, according to Keulks, the Honors Department is receiving a 25% decrease to their current $200,000 budget. Under the new budget, Keulks anticipates two possible scenarios to respond to the decrease, but it all depends on enrollment rates for the upcoming school year.

“It was 42 (students) back at the start of the year,” said Keulk. “I’m not going to be anywhere near 42 with with the incoming students. I might be at 20 and right there is $20,000 saved … here’s no way it’s not going to impact students, but it’s not going to be an obliteration.”

However, Keulks says that the worst case scenario would be more enrollment than anticipated as it would impact the fixed amounts given during each academic year. 

After speaking to several assistant directors within a few departments, a commonality in the budget decrease is that directors were not involved directly with decisions regarding Fee Remission decreases. Directors received an email from Gary Dukes pertaining to their budget, but otherwise were not contacted other than asking for what could be cut.

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The fight for the Freedom Center continues

Students voice opinions on Freedom Center project in special Board of Trustees meeting

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor 

The special meeting designated for the Freedom Center held on May 12  ended an hour and a half early with the Board of Trustees chair Betty Komp accepting no questions from members on the committee. 

In preparation for the meeting, students signed up to give their comments on the student drafted cultural proposal project presented by Incidental Fee Committee chair Makana Waikiki on April 21 — the second to last meeting of the Board of Trustees. To view the full proposal, check out vol. 3 issue 24, page 3 of The Western Howl that was released on April 27.

In this special meeting, the board changed its comment process, giving each student three minutes to voice their concerns. In total, nine Western students signed up to publicly address the committee members, including Associated Students of Western Oregon University President Elect Logan Jackson.

“Due to the events that have happened over the past year especially, we’ve been given the perfect catalyst to really start addressing issues we have here on campus involving diversity and inclusion,” said Jackson.

Jackson noted her experience as a student of color and commended the university for the progress she has seen in her three years of being a student at Western. However, Jackson went on to say that there is still work to be done on a multitude of levels.

“I look forward to being able to work with everyone next year in an effort to continue the progress that has slowly but surely been made here at (Western) in regards to diversity and inclusion,” said Jackson.

Because of the meeting format, the Board was not able to take any action. However, Chair Komp opened the discussion for committee members to only comment and not question students on their given testimonies. Board member Gayle Evans addressed the students saying she had taken notes, and other members had further questions to ask of the students when the time was appropriate.

“As a white person raised mostly in Oregon I have learned a lot in the last year,” said Evans. “I understand what you’re saying about people who do not have the same background and experience to fully understand, relate and support BIPOC.”

Although members voiced that they had questions, the committee chair ended the meeting at around 1:30 p.m. instead of the designated 3 p.m. One of the board members voiced their  disagreement because the session still had an hour and a half left.

“It is up to the discretion of the chair to say whether you are going to accept the question or not,” said Komp in an interview after the special meeting. “My interpretation is that they had further questions about this topic and they can take that to their committee meetings.”

Komp cited a policy claiming that because the meeting was designated as a comment time for students, board members were primarily responsible for listening rather than asking questions at that time. 

The committee has one final meeting on June 9 at 1 p.m. It is currently unknown whether the proposal will make the agenda. To view the meeting, the live stream will be hosted by WOUTV.

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WOU announces plans to require COVID-19 vaccine

Western leadership creates incentive program for vaccines

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

As of May 11, a total of three private and four public universities in Oregon have announced requirements for students to be vaccinated for COVID-19 for the next school year.

Western became the third public university to announce its plans to require students, staff and faculty to be vaccinated for the upcoming school year during a virtual town hall meeting on May 10.

“I wanted something that rewarded students for doing the right thing,” said Johnson, “and I also wanted to push us to have a more safe opening in the fall.”

The incentive program was initialized by Associated Students of Western Oregon University President NJ Johnson to further encourage the community to be vaccinated against the virus. Under the program, people who have received their first dose of the vaccine qualify to receive a $25 WolfStore voucher that can be used for textbooks, Western merchandise or other miscellaneous items found at the bookstore. To receive the voucher, a vaccine card and student ID must be presented to the Werner University Center information desk.

According to Johnson, the program is currently being funded by the General Fund and anticipates it costing around $100,000. The intent is to eventually have the program funded by the emergency relief fund, however, due to the ambiguity of what emergency relief is permitted to be used for, the university is still working with the federal government to determine if the program is legally permitted to be funded this way.

Western intends to provide students with the opportunity to take in person classes next term. During the virtual town hall meeting, the modalities were presented as follows: in person classes will make up 53% of Western’s curriculum, 22% hybrid, 19% online asynchronous and 6%  online synchronous; departments were not specified.  For students planning to live on campus next year, Tina Fuchs announced reduced capacity in the residence halls. Ackerman will be filled to 85% capacity while Arbor Park will be filled to 100%. Barnum and Landers will be assessed on a need basis. 

The COVID vaccine is not the only required vaccination by the institution; according to the Student Health and Counseling website, all admitted students are required to have the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine before coming to campus. Exceptions include being born before Jan. 1, 1957, religious beliefs and specific nonmedical related issues that are provided by the state of Oregon. Western is still currently researching exemptions for COVID.

“Many of the details remain unfinished,” said Western Vice President and General Counsel Ryan Hagemann, “and that’s because we have to speak to our community.” 

Hagemann went on to say how the university is making this a priority and is trying to get it right.

“This really relates to the idea that we should be able to have a safe community,” said President Rex Fuller during the May 10 virtual town hall meeting. “We know that being together in face to face encounters with careful safety planning, we have a better educational experience for all of our students, faculty and staff.”

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Anti-protest bill in Oregon to be conscious of

Important protest bill to keep on the lookout for heading into summer

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

A national debate over peaceful and violent gatherings has sparked U.S. lawmakers to engage in writing “anti-protest laws.” 46 states have currently proposed or passed bills.

In Oregon, there have been three bills presented; two of them have been defeated or expired, while one known as House Bill 3329 — introduced on March 2 — is currently under review by the House Committee On Judiciary.

The proposed bill, sponsored by Representative David Brock Smith of  District 1, introduced a new felony charge to peaceful protesters who block traffic.

Under the bill, vehicles or people blocking roadways would be classified as a Class C felony. Convicted of the felony, people could expect to serve up to five years in prison and pay around $125,000, done during a ‘violent or disorderly assembly,’” according to 

Additionally, the legislative proposal introduced a Class C felony for “engaging in threatening or intimidating conduct” in public, which disqualifies people from receiving financial aid from the state if convicted of these charges. In addition, it prohibits immediate release if arrested for rioting or for “violent” behavior, and gives protection to police if a person filing a civil claim was “grossly negligent.” More information about the specificities of the bill can be found at

Associated Students of Western Oregon University President NJ Johnson said he believes the bill is in direct response to People of Color in Oregon after a full year of using their voice to protest.

“Whether we want to admit it or not, the state of Oregon has a history of trying to silence the voices of People of Color,” said Johnson. “This is obviously a bill (that) if passed is going to be implemented largely to punish and silence People of Color for speaking out against racial injustice. I want to make it clear (that) a lot of this violence that we see and blame on protesters is incited by law enforcement.”

To follow the bill’s movement, community members can visit or email to learn more.

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WOU softball enters GNAC championship as alternates

Wolves softball team place third overall in GNAC championship

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

A rise in COVID-19 cases in the state of Washington caused the Great Northwest Athletic Conference’s original fourth seed — Central Washington — to drop out of the softball championship being hosted at Western.  

As a result of the Conference’s bylaws, the Western Oregon Wolves softball team — fifth seed — was promoted to the fourth seed position and entered into the championship game for the eighth consecutive year.

Similar to years prior, GNAC formatted the championship game as a double elimination tournament. The first round winners went head to head in a second round, and the losing teams from the first round played in a second round match to determine the competitors for the third and final championship match. 

In the first round of the tournament on May 6, Western lost to first seed Northwest Nazarene Nighthawks 2-1. The following day, Western competed against third seed Saint Martin Saints; the team gave the Wolves several walking opportunities to fill the bases, leading to a 7-6 victory for the Wolves. Western advanced to face off again against the Nighthawks, only to lose 9-0 in five innings, bringing an end to the softball season. With this, the Wolves placed third in the GNAC conference. 

After the game, the Wolves commemorated the senior members of their team that will be graduating in June. Head Coach Lonny Sargent commented on how proud of the team he is after having such a hectic year. 

“It’s such a great group of kids,” said Sargent. “We have a lot of young kids … they just (want to) go play.”

Going forward, Sargent is excited about the upcoming season and what the next year will bring.

“The players we have and the players we have coming in, we’re building another great program for next year,” he said.

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