Western hosts virtual Family Weekend

Student Engagement accommodates students living at home and on campus for Family Weekend

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Western’s 66th annual Family Weekend has been decentralized and formatted to fit an online platform. For this year’s activities, Student Engagement has ensured students living on campus and students living at home can participate by creating two “WOU family care packages.”

Packages: Families or students can purchase these packages for $20 which includes shipping cost. If families have more than one Western student, or there are multiple families, students can purchase two packages total.

  1. Package #1: Made for students living at home ⏤ Contains a Western family-themed car decal, a DIY craft kit, murder mystery Zoom link, a custom Western puzzle and Family Weekend merchandise.
  2. Package #2: Made for students living on or near campus ⏤ Contains a Western family-themed car decal, a DIY craft kit, murdery mystery Zoom link, Family Weekend merchandise and a card that is sent to the student or family member.

Families can add on $10 if they are interested in purchasing additional Family Weekend t-shirts. Each family can order up to three t-shirts. For more information, visit their website at this link https://dev.wou.edu/student-engagement/programs/family-weekend. All package orders are due to Kelly Welch by March 29.

Contact the author scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu