Creating a Form Using Google Docs

First you will need to login to your gmail account. You will want to use a standard gmail account for your whole site for example, This way if someone moves on from WOU these forms will still exist. If you would like to create a standard email address for your department or program please email me at

Once you are logged in click on the 9 little squares and this dropdown menu will appear, select “Drive” from it.

Then click the “CREATE” button and select “Form” from the dropdown.

Title your form. Select Default and then click “OK”.

Uncheck the “Require Western Oregon University sign-in to view this form.”

A “Do not require sign-in box” will appear, hit “Ok”.

Type your question in the box “Question Title”.

For the “Question Type” you can select from, Text, Paragraph text, Multiple choice, Checkboxes, Choose from a list, Scale, Grid, Date, or Time depending on what you are asking.

You can make your questions be required for them to answer before they can submit it by checking the “Required question”.

To add another question click the “Add Item” at the top and select the type of question you would like from the drop down and fill out the fields just like I showed above.

For the confirmation page you can type in whatever you want to show up once they have submitted the form. You can check or uncheck any of the other options below as well, then hit “Send form”

Here is a tutorial on how to post this form in Dreamweaver.

If you would like me to post the form you can copy that code and send it to with the link to the page you would like it to appear on.

To set up email notifications for when people submit the form click on “View responses”.

Go under the”Tools” menu and select “Notification rules…”

Select the options you would like in the box that pops up and then hit save. These email notifications will only be sent to the gmail account that this form was set up in.

To go back into your form and make edits go under the “Form” menu at the top and select “Edit form”.

When people submit this form the results will show up on the spreadsheet.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at or 503-838-8215.

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