Editing Navigation Links

Log into the terminal server, ts.wou.edu. Open up the X drive then go into the include_files folder then the subsite_files folder and then select the folder in which you would like to edit the navigation file.

If you would like to edit the left navigation, the name of the file will be left_nav.php.
If you would like to edit the top navigation, the name of the file will be TheNameOfYourSubsite_nav.php.

Double click on the file and it will open it in Dreamweaver.
Then click on the “Split” view and you should see something similar to this image.

If you would like to add a new link to the navigation copy the
<div>&nbsp;</div> and <a href=”linkwouldbehere”>Link Name Would be Here</a>
and past it where you would like it to go.

Change the Name of the link to what you would like it to be. Use all caps.

Then change the link to where you would like it to link.

If you would like to add a tab or a link to the top navigation open the TheNameOfYourSubsite_nav.php it should look something similar to the image below. You can select the “Design” view.

If you would like to add a link to a current drop down hit return and add it to that list.
If you would like to add a new tab at the top, hit enter twice and it will bring it to the black bullet.

Copy one that already exists so you get the extra spaces before and after the link.

Then enter the text you would like the link to say.

Select all the text that you would like to link and at the bottom of Dreamweaver in the Properties panel select HTML and enter your link into the link box.

Then hit save and check it on the web.

If you have any questions feel free to contact gauntzd@wou.edu

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