Websmith Work Around

Once you have created a page in Websmith you will get this security lockdown error at the top.

Open any file within the directory you are wishing to create this file in Dreamweaver (example, if you are adding a page to the Alumni site you would want to open up the X:drive/president/advancement/alumni folder and select any php file within there)
Immediately do a “save as” and save it as the name you used in websmith

Then copy the page ID number from websmith

And do a find and replace for the pageid number which will generally be only 4 numbers in Dreamweaver

It should replace it in three areas.
Now you can delete any and all of the inside code between the
<!– TemplateBeginEditable name=”head” –>
and the
<!– TemplateEndEditable –>

Please let me know if you have further questions gauntzd@wou.edu or 503-838-8215

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