Click on the video below to watch a tutorial on how to Edit a WOWSlider Slideshow.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions,
Click on the video below to watch a tutorial on how to Edit a WOWSlider Slideshow.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions,
Click on the video below to watch a tutorial on Refreshing the Digital Signage.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions,
Click on one of the videos below to watch a tutorial on Creating an Image Slideshow
<script type=”text/javascript”>
sleep: 5,
fade: 1,
shuffle: true
}, [
{ src: ‘’},
{ src: ‘’},
{ src: ‘’}
<div id=”crossslide”> </div>
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions,
Click on one of the videos below to watch a tutorial on Contribute CS4 basic features.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions,
Open the page you would like to edit in Contribute. Type your list.
Select the title of your list.
Go up to the top where the Style drop down is
Select the style you would like your header to be
Select all the items in your list
Click the Bulleted List button at the top, and your list should now be bulleted
If you would like your list to have red arrows instead of bullets select all the items in the bulleted list
Go up to the Styles drop down
Select arrow_list
Once you publish your page the arrow list should look similar to this below
If you would like a numbered list, select all the items in your list
Click the Numbered List button at the top
Once you are done with all your edits click Publish
Your lists should resemble these below
If you have any questions feel free to contact
If you would like to list events on your website to have them look and feel like WOU’s events, here is how you can do it.
You will need to login to through Remote Desktop.
Open the page that you would like to add these events too in Dreamweaver.
Select Code view.
I have given 2 separate examples, the first event listed is when the event lasts just one day while the second event goes for multiple dates.
You will notice in the code that there is a separate style being used for the date so that it will be a smaller size.
Copy and paste this code below where you would like the events to show up on the page and change out the blue fields with your event information.
<span>Upcoming Events in University Advancement</span>
<table style=”width:700px” border=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″>
<td width=”50″ align=”left” valign=”top”>02
<td width=”50″ align=”left” valign=”top”>
<td align=”left” valign=”top”>
<p>Emeritus Society Meeting</p>
<p><strong>12:30 p.m.</strong> | Year End Potluck at Gentle House</p>
<td colspan=”3″>
<td width=”50″ align=”left” valign=”top”>12-13</td>
<td width=”50″ align=”left” valign=”top”>
<td align=”left” valign=”top”>
<p>WOU Retirees Association Trip</p>
<p>Ashland/Crater Lake</p>
If you want to add more events then you will need to copy and paste the whole <tr> to the ending </tr> making sure you get both the <tr>s including the one with the dotted line. You will want to paste it before the ending </table>
Once you have entered in all your events, then hit save. Go to the page and hit refresh and all your events should be there with the WOU style.
Please let me know if you have further questions or 503-838-8215
Open Contribute and navigate to the page where you would like to add an image. Put the cursor where you would like to insert the image, then click on the “Image” drop down at the top and select “From My Computer”
Navigate to where the image is located on your computer and then hit “Select”
In some cases your image will be too large for the web, so Contribute will automatically size it down for web optimization. Click “OK” if you get that message.
It will ask you to enter in a Description ALT text. This will show up if a person has their images turned off. Click “OK” once you have entered something.
Right click on the image and select “Image Properties”
You can change the size of the image, add extra padding around the image, and align the image. If you would like the text to wrap around the image you would want to align the image either to the Left or the Right. Once you have made the changes you would like click “OK”.
You should then see your image take on all those new properties. The image below demonstrates the image aligning to the left so that the text now wraps around it.
If you have any questions feel free to contact
If you are a faculty member who did not automatically get a copy of a standard faculty page in your personal site follow these directions first.
(html tags from video)
Log-in to the Portal and select the Faculty tab.
Then under the My Programs channel select Faculty Information.
You can fill out your Office Hours and Biographical Information.
You can check the box to add your Online Campus Directory photo.
You can fill out any Additional Information and when finished hit the Update Information button at the bottom.
You can enter in html for links and paragraphs to show. Here is a list of some basic code that you can copy and paste into your Portal page:
line break: <br>
link: <a href=”enter_the_url_here”>Enter the text that you want linked here</a>
bold text: <strong>Enter your content that you would like bold here</strong>
paragraph: <p>Enter your paragraph here.</p>
image: <img src=”enter_the_path_to_your_image_here.jpg” />
If you have any questions feel free to contact
Log into the terminal server, Open up the X drive then go into the include_files folder then the subsite_files folder and then select the folder in which you would like to edit the navigation file.
If you would like to edit the left navigation, the name of the file will be left_nav.php.
If you would like to edit the top navigation, the name of the file will be TheNameOfYourSubsite_nav.php.
Double click on the file and it will open it in Dreamweaver.
Then click on the “Split” view and you should see something similar to this image.
If you would like to add a new link to the navigation copy the
<div> </div> and <a href=”linkwouldbehere”>Link Name Would be Here</a>
and past it where you would like it to go.
Change the Name of the link to what you would like it to be. Use all caps.
Then change the link to where you would like it to link.
If you would like to add a tab or a link to the top navigation open the TheNameOfYourSubsite_nav.php it should look something similar to the image below. You can select the “Design” view.
If you would like to add a link to a current drop down hit return and add it to that list.
If you would like to add a new tab at the top, hit enter twice and it will bring it to the black bullet.
Copy one that already exists so you get the extra spaces before and after the link.
Then enter the text you would like the link to say.
Select all the text that you would like to link and at the bottom of Dreamweaver in the Properties panel select HTML and enter your link into the link box.
Then hit save and check it on the web.
If you have any questions feel free to contact
Once you have created a page in Websmith you will get this security lockdown error at the top.
Open any file within the directory you are wishing to create this file in Dreamweaver (example, if you are adding a page to the Alumni site you would want to open up the X:drive/president/advancement/alumni folder and select any php file within there)
Immediately do a “save as” and save it as the name you used in websmith
Then copy the page ID number from websmith
And do a find and replace for the pageid number which will generally be only 4 numbers in Dreamweaver
It should replace it in three areas.
Now you can delete any and all of the inside code between the
<!– TemplateBeginEditable name=”head” –>
and the
<!– TemplateEndEditable –>
Please let me know if you have further questions or 503-838-8215