Faculty/Student Research

Gerontology students have had many opportunities to work closely with faculty to conduct, publish, and present research. Most students’ conference presentations have occurred at Western Oregon University’s annual Academic Excellence Showcase, although students have also traveled regionally and nationally to present with faculty at academic conferences!

Student Publications/Honors/Theses Advised by Gerontology Faculty:

Johnson, C.J. & Winters, E. (Under review). Informal caregiving experiences: Challenges and opportunities for an Age-Friendly University. Faculty sponsor: Cannon, M.L. PURE Insights.

Setter, K. (Under review). Challenges and Implications of Social Stigmas Around Aging and Homelessness. Faculty sponsor: Cannon, M.L. PURE Insights.

Herb, M.R.E. (2022). An exploratory study: Focusing on advocacy services for low-income older adults in OregonPURE Insights, 11(12). Faculty advisor: Manoogian, M.M. https://digitalcommons.wou.edu/pure/vol11/iss1/12/ 

Haury, N. A. (2022). An exploratory qualitative study of elder abuse and neglect in long-term settings. PURE Insights, 11(5). Faculty advisor: Manoogian, M.M. https://digitalcommons.wou.edu/pure/vol11/iss1/5/

Herb, M.R.E. (2022). Advocacy work for financially vulnerable older adults. Honors Project, Western Oregon University, Monmouth. Faculty advisor: Manoogian, M.M.

Haury, N.A. (2022). To honor our elders: Exploration of elder abuse in nursing homes. Honors Project, Western Oregon University, Monmouth. Faculty advisor: Manoogian, M.M.

Ryden, K. & Schultz, S. (2022). Fear and frustration: An examination of the social and political effects of COVID-19 on U.S. older adults. PURE Insights, 11(10). Faculty advisor: Cannon, M.L. https://digitalcommons.wou.edu/pure/vol11/iss1/10

Kerwood, R., Ramon (Kondash), M., Rowley, S., & Rubio (Wehr), H. (2019). Opportunities for a senior center and university to serve as third places and advance age-friendliness in their community. PURE Insights8(1). Faculty advisor: Cannon, M.L.  https://digitalcommons.wou.edu/pure/vol8/iss1/9/

Moore, E. (2018). Facilitators and barriers: Older adults’ fitness engagement at an independent living community, PURE Insights, 7. Faculty advisor: Manoogian, M.M. https://digitalcommons.wou.edu/pure/vol7/iss1/7  

Wolfe, S. (2018) Aging in Correctional Facilities: Challenges, Programs, and Service Adaptations” PURE Insights, 7. Faculty advisor: Manoogian, M.M.  https://digitalcommons.wou.edu/pure/vol7/iss1/11  

Fisher, K. (2014). Understanding Heroin Addiction from the Life Course Perspective. Honors Project, Western Oregon University, Monmouth. Faculty advisor: Manoogian, M.M.

Student Publications Co-Authored with Gerontology Faculty:

Winningham, R. G., & *Pacheco, A. J. (2024). Literature Review on the Effectiveness and Required Dosages of Cognitive Interventions for Older Adults. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 40 (4).

Cannon, M., Finlay, J. & Bergman, L. (2023). COVID-19 pandemic impacts on community connections and third place engagement: A qualitative analysis of older Americans. Journal of Aging and Environment. https://doi.org/10.1080/26892618.2023.2225179

Ibaraki, A., Manoogian, M. M., & Cerda-Lezama, S.* (Under review). “It is Never Enough”: Latinas’ Tensions with Parents Regarding Family Obligations and College Expectations.

Cannon, M.L., Kerwood, R.*, Ramon, M.*, Rowley, S.*, & Rubio, H*. (2021). Laying the groundwork for becoming an Age-Friendly University: A multi-phase study. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701960.2021.1974016 

Manoogian, M. M., Igarashi, H., & Leinenweber, M.* (2019). An intergenerational dyadic approach to understanding grandparent death within a family system. Innovation in Aging3(Suppl 1), S281. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igz038.1039

Leseberg, J. A.*, & Manoogian, M. M. (2019) “It’s just what you do:” Exploring relationships between young-adult grandchildren and their grandfathers. PURE Insights: 8.

Jensen, B.K.; Quaal, G.; and Manoogian, M. M. (2018). Understanding the grandfather role in families. PURE Insights, 7(4). Available at: https://digitalcommons.wou.edu/pure/vol7/iss1/4

Ringering, A. D.*, Rice, J.*, Sickles, N.*, Wilson, E.*, & Manoogian, M. (2014). “It’ll work out:” Older mothers’ and adult daughters’ perspectives on future plansPURE Insights, 3(10). Available at: http://digitalcommons.wou.edu/pure/vol3/iss1/10.

Fisher, K.* Manoogian, M. M., & Hoover, S.  (2016) “Drugs was my solution — my problem was life:” Heroin addiction and the life course perspective. PURE Insights5.

*Buckingham, D. N., *Mackor, K. M., *Miller, R. M., *Molloy, K. N., *Grigsby, C. C., *Kopel, J. L., *Graves, A. K., Winningham, R. G. (2013) Comparing the Cognitive Screening Tools: MMSE and SLUMS. PURE Insights, 2 (1), 1-7.

*Karr, J. E., Alexander, J. E., & Winningham, R. G. (2011). Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cognition throughout the Lifespan: A Review. Nutritional Neuroscience, 14 (5), 216-225.

Winningham, R. G. & *Dinius, C. J. (2010). Successful practices for developing effective cognitive enhancement programs. Senior Housing and Care Journal, 18 (1), 67-76.

Winningham, R. G. & Pike, N. B.* (2007). A cognitive intervention to enhance institutionalized older adults’ social support networks and decrease loneliness. Aging and Mental Health, 11(6), 716-721. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607860701366228


*-Indicates Student Author