Employee Benefits & Retirement
We are excited to have you be a part of the Western Oregon University family. This is an overview page of the Benefits and Wellness plans offered to employees.
Western Oregon Univesity offers five medical plans to choose from: You pay 5% of the monthly premium cost, unless you enroll in the lowest cost plan in your zip code then you pay 3%.
If you work 600 hours or more in a calendar year you may be eligible to participate in a retirement plan offered by Western Oregon University. You may be eligible to enroll in one of these plans six full months after you begin working, and should receive enrollment information from the Human Resources Office before you become eligible to participate.
Western Oregon University strives to provide safe working conditions for all employees. If an employee or student worker believes they have suffered a work-related injury or illness, they may be eligible for Worker’s Compensation benefits.
NOTE: information regarding leave.
*Please contact Human Resources (503.838.8490)
with employment related questions regarding holiday
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (Canopy Inc. Website)
- Life Balance
- Health & Fitness
- Student Debt Solution Benefit for WOU employees through TIAA
- Child Development Center
Did you know that all of the following companies offer discounts to WOU employees?
- AT& T
- Best Buy
- Java Crew
- Life Balance
- Verizon
Learn more about these discount offers.
Oregon Public Universities – Western Oregon University offers an employee benefit to eligible employees appointed at half-time or more (not including temporary classified employees, graduate assistants, or other student employees) the option to register for class work at reduced tuition rates.
- PEBB Employee Enrollment
- PEBB Affidavit of Dependency
- PEBB Affidavit of Domestic Partnership
- PEBB Flexible Spending Account
- ASI Flex Debit Card Enrollment
- Providence Medical Home Designation
- UNUM Long-Term Care Enrollment
- Medical History Statement (Printable)
- Medical History Statement (Submit Online)
- Weight Watchers Enrollment
- Supervisor’s Occupational Injury Report (All employees, including student employees)
- SAIF 801 (Only if medical attention is received)
- Employee Status Report
- FMLA/OFLA Leave Request
- Certification of Health Care Provider (Employee)
- Certification of Health Care Provider (Family Member)
- FMLA/OFLA Attendance Record
- FMLA/OFLA Attendance Record (Mid-Month)
- Classified Hardship Leave Application
- Classified Hardship Leave Donation Form
- Faculty Donated Leave Bank Request Form
- The Standard Disability Claim Form
- Fitness for Duty
- Employee Status Report
For complete details on qualifying reasons for leave and additional application instructions, please refer to the full policy.
Human Resources
Lieuallen Administration 305P: 503-838-8490 | F: 503-838-8522 | E-mail: hr@wou.edu