Employee Relations
It is Western Oregon’s goal to maintain the best possible relationships with all employees and unions. We are trying to maintain the best workplace possible and we need everyone to do their part.
Western Oregon University aspires to remain a great University, and our success depends on you. It depends on people who innovate and are committed to improving our outcomes responsibly, people who dedicate themselves to satisfying customers, helping partners, and improving the communities in which we do business; people who are accountable for achieving big, bold goals with unwavering integrity, people who are leaders, who appreciate that to be truly great, we must continually strive to better ourselves and help others improve.
We must expect the best from ourselves because of whom we are as a University, and as individuals, it is as important as our ability to deliver the best educational outcomes. How we manage our business internally—and how we think about and work with customers, partners, governments, vendors and communities—impact our productivity and success. It’s not enough to just do the right things; we have to do them the right way. All WOU employees are entrusted with public assets and with that comes a responsibility to be prudent stewards and to safeguard, preserve and protect these funds and this trust. We take these responsibilities seriously.
Training & Organizational Development
Previous Collective Bargaining Agreements
- WOUFT CBA 2020-2023 (Economic Reopener)
- WOUFT CBA 2020-2023
- WOUFT CBA 2017-2020 (Economic Reopener)
- WOUFT CBA 2017-2020
Letters of Agreement
- LOA WOU and WOUFT pay for NTT and IF (2/28/25)
- LOA WOU and WOUFT for Division Chair Appointment (2/28/25)
- LOA Office Hours (11/02/2023)
- LOA Library Faculty Appointments (05/18/2022)
- Paid Leave Oregon (08/30/2023)
- Article 25 (03/23/2023)
- WOUFT Extension (02/23/2023
- General Education Team Teaching (07/08//2019)
- COVID-19 (04/17/2020)
- COVID-19 (03/09/2021)
- COVID-19 (10/15/2021)
Unclassified Staff
- Conditions of Employment
- Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs)
- Grievance Procedures for Unclassified Professional Staff
- Performance Management Resources
Human Resources
Lieuallen Administration 305
345 Monmouth Ave N | Monmouth, OR 97361
P: 503-838-8490 | F: 503-838-8522 | E-mail: hr@wou.edu